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Phantom Furniture

Ghostly presence of furniture from the last tenant of the apartment you're renting. It can appear late in the night, especially if you go get a glass of water with the lights turned off. Are usually easy to get rid of with a simple exorcism.

Vilmar: Damn, I just stubbed my toe on some of Joe's phantom furniture.
Torkild: Who's Joe?
Vilmar: He's the guy who rented this apartment before I moved in.
Torkild: Boy, you need to perform an exorcism on this place.

by t-degg March 5, 2015

The Phantom of the Opera

An award winning musical composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The story, based on the French novel by Gaston Leroux, is of a hideously disfigured genius who lives under and Opera house in Paris in the late 19th century. It's a love story between this man- the Phantom (or Erik, in the novel), Christine, and her friend -and soon fiance-, the wealthy and attractive Raoul. The soundtrack to the Phantom is unlike most other Broadway-style musicals. The songs, including the Overture, Angel of Music, The Mirror, The Phantom of the Opera, Prima Donna, All I Ask of You, Masquerade, The Point of No Return, and Down Once More/ Track Down This Murderer, have more of a classical, opera-like feel to them, making good use of an orchestra and having intense vocal scenes. It is currently (in the year 2012) the longest running musical on Broadway and still achieves high ratings from critics. It is by far my favorite musical, and greatly surpasses the movie on all levels in my own personal opinion.

I want to see the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.

by LizardLvr981 February 29, 2012

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The act of fornicating with a woman to the point of climax, then beating her until she becomes disoriented and shooting your load so that she does not know which direction it came from.

Man, after I pulled a phantom on Krystal last night, she didn't know her ass from a whole in the ground.

by Davey and Ritchie October 17, 2007

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Phantom Batter

To masturbate or "whack off", whilst wearing a balaclava in the same room as your mate while he has sex with a girl. Often the "Phantom Batter" is hidden under a desk, under the bed or behind the curtains. Ultimately, the "Batter" needs to be hidden, all lights off and making sure to be very careful about how much noise he makes whilst rubbing one out.

By definition, its fine if your mate knows your in the room, but its only a "phantom bat" if the girl has no idea of the Phantoms presence, otherwise your just a broski having a toss.

Trev: "Michael was a Phantom Batter last night while i was giving it to Susan !"
Jason: "Haha, for real ?"
Michael: "Yeh bro, I was hiding under Trev's desk with a balaclava on ! She totally never saw me"

by Narll1 November 1, 2010

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julie and the phantoms

Julie and the phantoms, the show for kids that has somehow got EVERYONE'S attention, black characters and a small gay bean who owns my heart? yes please. AND THE SHIPS? sound-track? bomb luke & julie? otp alex & willie? babies reggie & luke? END GAME if you haven't seen it, get your life together and watch it.

jatp phanatic : did you watch julie and the phantoms??
friend: yeah! charlie gillespie stole my heart, but #givelukehismommyback2020

by charlie gillespie ily October 9, 2020

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Phantom Gas

When a group of people are standing around, and someone farts, but the culprit is too ashamed to admit it, and nobody knows who commited such tomfoolery. Also, only the dead are above suspicion.

The Cast:

The scene takes place while 7 teens are in an elevator at the top floor of a 13 story hotel. None of them know each other, but they are linked by a horrific crime.

Dan: Hey, second floor please.

Susanne: Me too.

Suddenly, everyone is alerted by strange but natural occurance.


Dianne- What in the hell was that?

Anne: Hello everyone, would you like to play a game?

Stan: Real funny you sick bitch!

Anne: I did not commit this treachery but I will find out who did. The elevator is sealed and we will only escape if we call the operator. I will not let anyone touch this phone unless the perpatrater is brought to justice. If we don't escape, the gas will eventually end us. We have three minutes.

Dot: (whimpering in fetal postion) I DON'T WANT TO DO IT MOMMY, I DON'T WANT TO DIE

Roxanne: This is blaspheme! And only for some Phamtom Gas?!

Susanne: Why so angry, you fat dame, GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE?

Roxanne: No it wasn't me you nincompoop.

Stan: Well you're both cotton-headed ninny-muggins.

Dan: Oh no no, neither of them are cotton-headed ninny-muggins, guy. Is this what we've succumbed to?

Dianne: Well if the flux capacit...(gag)

Suddenly the seven young teens collapse and die. Anne, the suicidal debate team president, was the last to die. She passed away laughing, as it was her phantom gas all along.

by Mother Fucker Extrodinaire November 28, 2009

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phantom pooper

A person spontaneously and anonymously who defecates in public areas. The areas are chosen for the greatest visual and olfactory effect upon the observer, for example:

1. Water fountains
2. Public Pools and the Beach
3. Dressing Rooms.
4. Ex girlfriends mailbox.

Also see Poop Phantom

1. " Mommy I want a drink of...WHAAAAAAAAAAA...the phantom pooper...WHAAAAAAAAA! "

2. "Great day for a swim...what's that floating by your face? OMG! " The Phantom Pooper had struck again.

3. " Don't these pants look great...whats that smell?"

4. " Phantom pooper? Listen lady I don't care why your bill is late...just pay it.

by Global Feetus April 3, 2007

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