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Santa Clause

Clones of Saint Nicholas who run the streets of many big citys. Recently found to belong to a secretive cocaine operation gang. It is also possible to find them in department stores. They consist of men who have little or no money.

Dude that santa clause is packin some serious shit

by WIGGITY WACK January 7, 2004

21👍 28👎

Embedded Clause

A clause which has been embedded into a sentence

Tom used an embedded clause in his sentence, which was shit, and cried himself to sleep

by Xavvvvvvvvvy squadddd November 12, 2020

slope clause

In aviaion, a clause stating the maximum number of seats that can be in a regional or subsidiary company aircraft. Usually done in the interest of the pilots protecting themselves from being taken over by a large regional airline.

The Northwest Airlines slope clause says that a regional carrier flying for Northwest cannot have any more than 76 seats in an airplane.

by Joe Randolph July 29, 2007

Barry clause

When a white haired Christmas enthusiast imitates Santa Claus by sporting a Santa hat and sodomizing a reindeer.

Chris had a little too much egg nog and posted pics of himself giving Rudolph the old Barry Clause routine.

by Caveman LV February 19, 2017

Santa Clausing

When you have a shit and you don't want to go to the bathroom so you slide that shit up and down your asshole.

I've been Santa Clausing since the first act.

by erferfin February 12, 2022

Santa Clause

A fat harry man that breaks into your house on christmas night. Drinks the sticky white stuff the fourteen year old leaves out in the fridge. Rapes you under the bed then gives you a sededation and puts you back to sleep, then he has an affair with your mother. Finally, he is every boys idol because he knows where all the naughty girls live.

Me: Jackson us such a Santa Clause.

by Karen's Acrylics October 21, 2019

Santa Clause

A fat white man who rapes children on Christmas

Dude Nicholas cage was raled by Santa clause

by Alucard 01 October 24, 2018