'Hey, Bob time-ify 'Hello, I am Jeff'.'
'Ok! 'Hello, I am Jeff (9:40pm)''
To make more like the art style that Moriah Elizabeth, a famous artist on youtube, would do
If a drawing is starting to look too odd, Moriah-ify it and make it cute
A person in a state of caring, as in being careful or caring for or about something or someone. Implies that they care a lot.
Could be a compliment or criticism.
"Susie taking care of Jack while he's sick makes her just about the most care-ified person I know!"
"Mark is way too obsessed with his Mustang. It's kind of sick how over care-ified he is."
"John is being way too care-ified about Jillian. He's in way over his head."
you only know once it's too late
Oh no! You're going to get craig-ified!!
To "Ed Sheeran-ify" someone is when a celebrity is asked by their management to make or contribute to videos/photos/interviews that will receive lots of attention due to it being a trend. This term is typically used when referring to old celebrities/celebrities that don't have a big online presence, because it shocks people when they "keep up with the trends", even when it's really just their management team.
Person 1: "Bro have you seen that Tiktok of Harry Daniels singing 'Houdini' to Dua Lipa?"
Person 2: "Yes, it's so clearly yet another Ed Sheeran-ify situation to get her more money! Harry is literally in an office this time, and is singing her newest song."
Person 1: "That's literally what I was gonna say!"
ruining something amazing by being bry
“yo bro did u hear that new drake”
“nah bro he got bry-ified”
ruining something by being bry
“yo bro drakes being bry-ified”