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what a minecrafter says when he finds diamondz.

Mining and mining and DIAMONDS!!!!!!1!!!11!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by SkeletonGuy November 26, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Watchmaker (from the legend of 11:11)

The watchmaker was a man who treated his creations like children. When he was too old to work, he told his โ€œchildrenโ€ and they gave him immortality. Now he magically mends clocks and is like the โ€œmailmanโ€ for good wishes. When a person makes good wishes on 11:11 a.m. or p.m., he delivers the โ€œgood newsโ€ if the wish is granted.

The Watchmaker (from the legend of 11:11) is from the book, "The Wishing Year, a legend for most ages" by Crystal


by FranciscoGirl August 4, 2011

September 11 2001 9/11

An event where my grandpa was an Arabic pilot who really sucked at his job

Hey my dad was a bad pilot in September 11 2001 9/11

by Peepeepoopoo bon qui qui July 8, 2022

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


you must be screaming very loudly
chill dude

1: RUN ITS A FCKING VOLCANO!1!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!11!1!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!!111111!11111!!!!!!!!11!!!1!
2: i aint seein nothing

by 7 3 March 5, 2021

30๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Wishing Year (2011) 11:11

The wishing year is 2011, and is based off the legend of 11:11.

According to the book, "The Wishing Year, a legend for most ages" on Nov. 11 of 2011 at 11:11 a.m. or p.m. itโ€™ll be the most magical date and time of the wishing year.

On the author's website, she states: You can make your "good" wishes everyday at 11:11 am or pm. The magic of 11:11 can be found any day of the month of any year. During 2011, the magic becomes stronger with the 11th day of each month as we draw closer to November 11 (the strongest day of the Wishing Year).

During The Wishing Year (2011) 11:11

Look at the clock and see that it's 11:11

make a good wish

Hope it comes true


by FranciscoGirl August 4, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

7/11 brown or 9/11 brown

7/11 brown or 9/11 brown refers to a racially-precarious joke about brown-skinned people. The phrase is usually asked to a brown person like this "Are you 7/11 brown, or 9/11 brown?" Essentially, this question is a funny and racially insensitive way of asking if somebody is South Asian lineage (7/11 brown) or Middle Eastern lineage (9/11 brown). This means that if your parents are from Iran or west of Iran, you are Middle Eastern lineage. If your parents are from Afghanistan/Pakistan, or east of Afghanistan/Pakistan, then you are South Asian lineage. So basically, Iran's Eastern Border is the division between the two regions.

This joke is because many 7/11 stores are worked by South Asian people, whereas 9/11 was done by Middle Eastern people.

Friend 1: Are you 7/11 brown or 9/11 brown

Friend 2: Pakistani, so that's 7/11 brown.

by bryansteldag November 3, 2023

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

June 11 - august 11

Girls send your boyfriend or girlfriend a dirty picture each day until August 11

Hey babe it's between June 11 - august 11.

1 image


by Mazot June 12, 2024