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26th january

The day when the most beautiful people are born, you might not see how perfect you are but everyone else knows you are so beautiful, kind, loving and caring. And if your born on this day and you have a boyfriend/girlfriend they will never cheat or break up with you because they love and care for you so much and they know how beautiful you are, so if your in a relationship right now, just know thats your partner for life.

26th january Its her/his birthday!
Happy birthday

Shes/hes so beautiful

He/she will never break up or cheat

by IOnlySayTheTruth17 January 16, 2021

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October 26th

national hickey day

Me:hey Rebecca what day is it
Rebecca: October 26th
Me: it's national hickey day!

by ;):( October 15, 2019

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26th October

Complement your bf/gf all day. On appearance and personality

26th October:

Boyfriend: Hey u are rlly nice and cute

Girlfriend: Awwww thanks u too

by Brad_doco October 25, 2019

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November 26th

November 26 is national jersey over hoodie day that day is the day you can wear any sports jersey you have over a hoodie.

Hey Tim it’s November 26th November 26 is national jersey over hoodie day that day is the day you can wear any sports jersey you have over a hoodie I better see you wear a jersey over a hoodie today

by PeppaPigsHusband November 25, 2019

January 26th

Let ur bf grab u by your neck and kiss u 2 times

January 26th let ur bf kiss u

by XOXOQUOTE January 24, 2022

March 26th

International send nudes to or fuck your partner day!

Partner 1: Oh shit it’s March 26th!
Partner 2: So nudes or sex?
Partner 1: How about sex this year and next year we can send nudes?
Partner 2: Ok babes

*Proceeds to go to closest private spot*

by __HARAMBE March 25, 2022

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March 26th

international have sex day. Find someone, do the deed, if you don't succeed, well you're cursed then.

March 26th is the international have sex day, better get at it.

by Chessmeister69 March 23, 2021