Source Code

.44 Magnum

The most badass hand cannon ever. Your enemies shit themselves when you hold this gat to their face.

This is the .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and could blow your head clean off.


by Gumba Gumba April 7, 2004

64๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Plus 44

Mini Blink 182

Plus 44 has Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker from Blink 182, as well as a couple of other people.

by molecule802.11 May 11, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

44 days

This is the number over which Azerbaijan won over Armenia in 44 days. Which Armenia occupied Azerbaijan for four years
Big difference right?๐Ÿ˜‚

44 days๐Ÿคฐ

by Varcapet July 9, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vicks 44

One of the most disgusting ways to ingest DXM.

Thicker, nastier, and less potent than the far superior Maximum Strength Robotussin, an eight-ounce bottle of Vicks contains 474mg of dextromethorphan, which to a seasoned DXM-head "ain't shit".

"Yeah, I dig closed-eye-visuals, but I'm not drinking Vicks 44, man! Come on, it tastes like the fuckin' devil, man!"

by sanfud n sun May 1, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Plus 44

A band started by former Blink-182 members Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker. These two guys are totally cool, but clearly get their fandom from Blink-182 fans. Again with this band, like Angel's and Airwaves, people only listen to this band because former Blink-182 members are in it, and again nobody cares about the other members.

This band is pretty much Blink-182, a little softer and no random, funny songs. Although it is more like Blink than Angel's and Airwaves, it will never be as great as the mighty Blink-182 empire.

The band Plus 44 is okay, but I'd rather see Blink-182. (:

by RayRaythekiwi September 14, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

stg 44

The best weapon ever created.Not many people know about this weapon and don't realize that it is by far the best rifle ever created.It,by far,crushes the ak-47,and abolishes the m-16.

Sturmgewher 1944 is the best rifle and should never be forgotten!

by Cape Bretoner March 23, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Number 44

Number 44

Like number 44 man scrapes his knee on a burger

by LimboHillbom May 7, 2018