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Ace in the sky and king on land. Undoubtedly the best man in all seven kingdoms. Master walker and bee-friend. Charming and kind to a fault. Best tastes in music, has street cred, funny and profound. Ask him about science, he knows everything.

Lily owns Aba.

by abalils May 5, 2023


Magnificent. Someone of great virtue and political ideals. Usually has a fat ass

Zam abas I see u. AND THAT ASS

by bootyhunter May 29, 2018

izzy quan abas

The sexiest boy you'll ever see, taller than most of his friends, always will have a friend named Jonathan and Michael, loves basketball but has no defense, tends to move schools a lot on his highschool years. Has really nice hair.

Damn have you seen izzy quan Abas he is hella hot

by Sir Jacobs Norman March 16, 2017

Aba aba

A rare type of medical condition where the victim will say "aba aba" out of nowhere.

aba aba?

by 123...aba aba August 31, 2022