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Someone who has tendencies of Pedophilia

Person 1: I can;t believe he has been outed as an Amir

by BigPen15Matthew May 8, 2023

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A fat bitch who is a white Albanian Humpty Dumpty who couldn’t sit on the wall and gets guys not girls. #gayy #fat #white #humptydumoty

Amir your so gay

by AMIRISWHITE April 25, 2019

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When amir rapes you

I got amired last night πŸ˜”

by Cocksocker March 12, 2019

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A stink butt breath little boy that is always in his room and never comes out unless he uses the bathroom and takes a poop or eats a snack

A. That little boy is hella stinky
B. That is just stink Butt Amir

by Yoeiie May 31, 2020

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A gay owl eyed cunt who has no friends apart from one lonely kid who licks his dick

Don’t be an amir

by DatGuyHarambe June 19, 2019

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Super cool guy. Not very intelligent, but is always happy. A guy that claims to be straight but totally isnt.

His name is Amir

by felicia the goat 4321 June 29, 2018

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Amir is a pretty girl that can go through anything. She focus on education but can have a boyfriend at the same time and don't care about what people think of her. Amir is a smart girl and care Alot about her family. She is a person who have good personally. But there are many things Amir keep to herself that nobody knows. But she can't single.

"Man that girl is pretty,what her name?"
"OH her,Man her name is Amir,but she have a boyfriend "

"Hey,let go be friends with that girl!"
"Amir? Okay let go!"

by Pimpcess Amir February 9, 2018

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