My personal bedroom cleaner after a long day of sex with his mom and cum everywhere in the room on the windows everywhere
you are a huge clown, a ronald mcdonald reject to be specific.
you just look like a clown that is all that needs to be said. so you are an anay.
supermodel material;
someone who thinks he’s hot but is really not
omg! did you see Anay’s latest photoshoot?
That annoying kid in class who annoys everyone and only cares about himself.
"Oh my god, he is such an Anay."
The Punjabi word for Anal Masturbation. The practice is done as a tradition that dates back to the times of old.
I just did anay publicly!!!!!!
A lovely person who is in love with a boy named Ricky.
Anay is in BITS.
The sexiest guy in the Universe and is a Sex God! Girls go crazy if they watch his dick.
*GIRL1* Omg he is soo Hawwtt and sexy, i'm turned on only by looking into his eyes.
*GIRL2* He definitely is Anay