A group of people who want Bandana Waddle Dee in Smash.
The Bandana Brigade is full of cool people.
When her shit is so wet, you need a bandana afterwards
That was one of the dirty bandana, I’m still spitting it up
What I call homo-sapiens addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Bandanas are the representation of video games (Doom) running on escherichia coli and flags (national) are the representation a homo-sapien (human) not playing it...
The mysterious leader of the Bandana Gang. He wears shades, a white bandana, a blue shirt with its chest open, dark blue pants, a shiny golden belt, and a beautiful white cape! He is the most revered person in Conton City, making even the mention of his name make people shake in their boots. Some people have challenged Shady, and ended up in the hospital! He isn’t as scary as he sounds though, as his personality is a bit goofy. Don’t drop your guard, because he earned his name by being the best cheeser in ranked matches!
Is that Shady Bandana...?
I heard Shady Bandana is always at number 1 on the leaderboards, while his underlings full up the top 100!
No one knows the secret to Shady Bandana’s power.
A cloth rapped around ones head/ neck. Important to note the difference (around neck u part of a alley gang downtown)around neck( your just a redneck ). These cloths are sometimes wrapped around ones arm but don't be that person.
Gang member 1: "That white nigga is wearing our gangdana (bandana) around his head "
Member 2: "lets take care of it."
When you take a girl’s soaked panties and tie them around your head
“Sometimes I get my girl wet just so I can get a soggy bandana”
Everything is fine, or, all good. An extension of anything being simply 'gucci'
"Everything good here?"
"gucci bandana"