Someone lazy who doesn't have enough time to say "Banger"
Dude that song was a total Banga
A song that is really good
Death of a bachelor is a Downright banga
When your're extremely satisfied with something. Almost like boom or bam.
(you score a goal in a football match) "Banga! Goaaaaaal"
Banga gotra is jatt sikh mainly arrived from the city banga located near to nawashehar.
These people arrived from
Pakistan and settled in here, these are the real jatts of punjabi community they fought many wars but remain silent in the books.
These people are aggressive against the crime and respect the women
Did , u see that guy he is jatt ,oh really and you more he is from banga , oh really he look so smart and great.
when you lick/suck at least 50 different people's genitals you become a big banga
grandpa john got the title big banga the same day of his 83 birthday