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Mah boi Zach

Ohmahgah Zachlee is a total beefcake. I bet he could crush my head in between dem guns

by Beefcake071963852 January 17, 2018


Andrew flair off of the flair YouTube channel with over a million subscribers

Flair was a beefcake when he gave the animals feed

by November 24, 2020


Attractive Man with muscles.

Hard-working person

you Stayed up all night beefcake!

by Manchild 412 May 1, 2023


Either a big loaf of beef or a cake with bits of beef in it. Designed by Mia Ak’s laptop’s auto correct
Co-designed by her math buddies, cheese Rhein, Riss, and Alberta Einstein

Ur mums a beefcake

by Ur mums a beefcake 2.0 February 1, 2022


(n) A pastry with a thin layer filled with beef.

Second most common influence of diarrhea

Guy in theater: Eating beefcake
Attendant: Yo, this nigga eating beefcake in the theater

by FallafelCake September 25, 2018


Someone who royaly screws up everything they touch.

He was trying to tighten bolt and beefcaked it now needs total rebuild

by Biggggdaddy January 12, 2023


Super fucking stoned. Ripped out of your mind

I'm beefcaked

by Angelrootz February 1, 2015