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Blacky McNigger Coon

What you call someone who stole your bike

Some Blacky McNigger Coon stole my bike!

by ProllyLOL May 4, 2011

10👍 15👎

Blackie Chan’s Girl

The only girl that will ever love him enough to ruin her whole entire life for him:( the only girl that will adapt to his lifestyles and who he likes and his music and basically becomes a mini him, w the same attitude and temper as him. The girl that will never stray away, the one that he should definitely spend the rest of his life with.

Person: “damn Blackie Chan’s girl is so fine, I should hit her line”

Person 2: “nah man, she’s all in for Blackie, she doesn’t give a fuck about you”

by Champagnemami101 July 12, 2019

1👍 2👎

Wackie Blackie

African american from cities that would be considered the streets.

Damn that fucker's beein Wackie Blackie.

by WackiusBlackius September 22, 2022

Blackie paki

A blackie paki is 2 friends of a black background and a south asian background when they are together.

"Look at that blackie paki over there!"

by sahildagoat August 9, 2023


To call someone black

Rav looks blacky today

by Tattu Catcher December 9, 2023


A bitch ass black cat yet relatable

"Blacky! U bitch ass cat, Whats wrong w u?!"

by Avarado05 March 31, 2023


what us whities call the darkies when darky appears inapropriate, or less cool.

whitey 1: hey friend, look at the humourous appearence of that darky.

whitey 2: his bagy clothing is amusing indeed, but in future let us refer to him as blacky for no real reason but to be cool dudes.

whitey 1: i conqure.

by matt the twat April 27, 2004