A person, typically millenial or Gen X, who is pretentiously unpretentious and outdoorsy. Often found shopping at REI or a local outdoor gear shop with premium prices. Prefers to frequent fly fishing shops, slopes, breweries and mountain bike trails, often riding said bike to brewery in full attire. Loves to wear cotton tee shirts and light jackets from upscale outdoor retailers like Patagonia and North Face instead of buying the same thing at Target for $12.99. Often found roaming abundantly in places like Bozeman, MT and Jackson, WY at bike shops, rock climbing walls, or ironically sitting with a dog on a lawn or sidewalk. Bonus points for an upscale crossover SUV and a ball cap or trucker hat with expensive outdoor fashion brand name or brewery logo. Triple bonus points for yellow lab.
I went down to the brewery to fill my growler on Saturday afternoon and saw a lot of eco-bougies with their bikes on top of their Subarus. Lots of cute tap room dogs to pet though.
When parents dress their baby in all high-end designer brands.
(i.e. Versace, Gucci, Burberry, Fendi, Baby Jordans, etc.)
“Look at Nicki over there with her baby wearing Versace, dat’s one bougie baby”
When your a young man from Virginia who’s ancestors is strictly feminine, resulting being called princess or Bougie Bitch
I went to dinner last night. You’ll never believe who I saw. That damn Bougie Bitch
adj; Southern, grassroots, bouginess.
See also: drinking mimosas from Mason Jars, indie Nashville band beer coozies, taking pictures by the Nashville mural.
"Were you at the (insert indie Nashville country singer's) living room tour?" asked Caroline at brunch.
"Yeah, everyone there was so bluegrass bougie."
A form of being bougie at times and when necessary.
I will become bougie-ish when a see a pair of expensive shoes Iand I buy them. However ,on most days I clearly live within my means.
A sexy female bougie boo in a wifey's position but has her own finances in order so in the relationship he is her king in their reality as she is his Queen, True Riders and Survivers built for lasting relationships and financial barrier are reached beyond
My bae is such a bougie bouge, she won't go nowhere without her coffee and at least $2500 and of course hair nails and outfit that's matches just to ride down the street and order McDonald's through the pickup app and they bring it out exactly 3mins then proceed back home.Then she walks in with a $180 dollars bags full of McDonald's and all she got was a French vanilla latte with extra vanilla and hazelnut syrup and large fries.
A hoe that goes wine tasting and still lives wit her parents. BUT! When she’s your girlfriend she’s like a fake boss bitch that’s sticky and won’t leave. Ever!
I can’t flick that sticky bougie off my finger!