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Is a very gay person

Hey brock is kissing alex

by Hongpong April 1, 2020

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Brocks are usually short, and often have light blonde or red hair colour. Brocks typically have no personality, and generally are the cronies of a bully or just a plain annoyance who follows people around. Brocks are usually actually very smart in their own way, but are typically the kind of kid that your mom tells you to be nice to.
6:13 PM Todayβ€’Edit

Ted: "oh my gosh brock wont stop following me"

by Whack Lad4000 December 14, 2020

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A white male rapist.

Girl, here comes a brock. Cover your drink and talk to your male gay friend.

by J Lekan April 14, 2019

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An Asian boi (probably) from PokΓ©mon who is seemingly a drug addict whose eyes conceal dark ~secrets~ and who is very ...girl...crazy...

Person 1: dude did u hear dat brock can make tea wit his eyes closed
Person 2: no way dude lol

by Pokemongurllolololol December 9, 2019

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A square penis.

Omg i just figured out that my boyfriend has a brock. Kill me now!!

by mista me June 19, 2011

9πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


A hard constipated shite.

aw I just dropped a brock

Jeez I'm so constipated, I'm all brocked up!

by Lemmy2010 May 1, 2010

9πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Absolute assbag. He is the human equivalent of a flaming garbage can. He likes bbc, and has a very small peepee

Who is that white guy in those Adidas sandals? Oh, its Brock...

by Bill Nye the FUCKING WAR HERO December 3, 2018

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