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1. Some older male douchebag that thinks that "liking" a show meant for younger females somehow makes them a cooler person.

2. An older male current/future pedophile that gets off to small animated ponies. They say that they watch the show to meet girls, but the thing is... only very young females actually watch the shit.

Brony: Hey guys; did you watch My Little Pony last night?
Brony 2: Haha YEAH!! it was so awesome.
Straight Guy: No I didn't watch it, and I have no plans of ever watching that lame ass shit to appease the scum of the Earth.

Straight Guy: Why is there MLP toys underneath your bed, along with tissues and hand lotion?
Brony: Oh that... it must be the cleaning lady again...
Straight Guy: Why do you also have a telescope pointed at the elementary school across the street?
Brony: I... er... might have a problem.
Straight Guy: You know what? I think I'm going to call the cops.

by NormalGuyWithNormalProblems July 18, 2012

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A Brony is any fan of My Little Pony (specifically My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic) outside the target audience age. Although stereo-typically used as a term to describe a male in his 20s to 30s who enjoys watching My Little Pony, it can refer to a male of age 13, or even any females outside the target audience age. You may also be looking for Brony-Con, which is the annual convention.

While a Brony can be a female, the usual term for female fans of My Little Pony outside the intended audience is Pegasister. Most Pegasisters do not have a preference as to what they would prefer to be called (Brony or Pegasister).

The Brony ordered a Derpy Hooves figurine online.

by whatthefuckdidijustaccomplish March 9, 2016

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Bro + Pony = Brony
Male fans of the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" on the G4 network.
There is nothing wrong with a grown man enjoying a show about pre-pubescent cartoon ponies and their numerous adventures aimed solely at the little girl fanbase and that fanbase alone. But there are some lines that have been crossed, lines that we thought we wouldn't have to point out, like Pony Porn.

Yeah, you read that right. PONY. PORN. A fetish is a fetish, and it's fine so long as it doesn't hurt anybody, but the bronies never considered that little girls, maybe six or seven years old that still believe that babies come from a delivery stork, would encounter Pony Porn and ask their parents about it.

Secondly, the bronies act like MLP is marketed to THEM, not little girls. Leave it to an army 13-30 year-old males to appropriate a show made for little girls.

littlegirl: Mommy, what's this?

*shows her a picture of one cartoon pony eating out the other, which could only be made by a Brony. I mean who else would draw a picture of that?*

mother: OHMYGOD JESSICA WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT?! You are not allowed to watch that show EVER AGAIN. DO YOU HEAR ME?!

litlegirl: But mommy...

mother: I said NO, Jessica. Now show me where you found that picture.

by GettingRealTiredOfYourShit April 19, 2014

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A stupid grown up male who makes out with posters of ponies from MLP. They treat the MLP universe like a religion. They can't go one day without watching a whole season. They also copy brofists with brohoofs, which are the exact same thing. They fail to compromise with anti-bronies and always want their own way.

Brony: HEY, did you watch the new episode of MLP?
Normal Guy: No, I don't watch shows for girls.
Normal Guy: You're stupid. Your friends are stupid. Your whole FANBASE IS STUPID!
(brony walks off chanting "LOVE AND TOLERANCE")
Normal Guy: Yeah. Go off and make love with a Rainbow Dash plush.

by Bob the Kid July 11, 2013

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A fan of the popular show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, fans tend to be male, form the ages of 14 and up. They are often found on sites like tumblr, facebook, twitter, anywhere you would go. They tend to get alot of hate through at them for no reason, mostly from trolls that cant get a life. Bronys are however a wonderful group that you can easily get along with, even if you don't like the show. Many are artistically talented and have a well functioning community. Bronys often add eachother as friends simply because of being a brony. Bronys are a fine example of how a society should function.

Unfortunately there are some who call themselves anti-bronys. usually a 7 year old that is mad because he can't get his way. The like to infiltrate and ruin things from the inside. Think of your bronys as capitalist america and the anti-bronys as every communist nation in the world. anti-bronys use common insults such as (faggot, homo,queer,horse fucker,ect.). warrning if you see an anti brony on a website or a game server, perma-ban at once.

Brony:*joins server*Hey guys whats up, anyone like mlp?
non-brony:not a fan but I don't hate it Im just not into it
anti-brony: Faggot go kill your self you horse fucker!
Brony: hey thats really unpleasant and rude.
anti-brony: Shut up you faggot. kill your self
Brony2: hey thats not nice you shouldn't say that to people
anti-brony: go eat a dick fag
ADMIN: *bans anti-brony for harassment and being annoying. duration: permanent*
Brony: yay!

by Empress Celestia June 28, 2015

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A fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Generally they like to have conversations with each other about the show or post fan art. They are generally persecuted by those who either believe that they're the "Rulers of the Internet" or by those who have nothing better to do. They get persecuted because many people believe that they are fans of the older Generations that were all sparkles and glitter and rainbows all over the place, when in fact they are fans of the newest generation that is somewhat similar to reality, along with the fact that it has better plots, good animation, and not much of a girlish figure in it. Bronies that are getting persecuted will generally remain calm and use logic and reason to end that current persecution. They typically remain within their own forums, but sometimes they reach out on other forums every once-in-a-while and post at least one thing there in hopes of bringing more fans of MLP into their forums.

Brony 1: Hey, how's it going?
Brony 2: Not much. Have you seen that new episode?
Brony 1: Yes, it was pretty good.
Persecuter: hey all u bronys are gay ha ha ha
Brony 1: Dude, we are not all homosexual. There are some bronies that are homosexual, but not all of us.
Persecuter: whatever dudes ur all fags you all like all that rainbow and glitter sh*t on that show
Brony 2: Have you even seen the show? That's not what this current generation is about; those are from the last ones.
Persecutor: u guys are such fags get a life
Brony 1: Dude.. Why are you even here? You claim that we have no lives, yet here you are constantly making fun of us.
Brony 2: Seriously dude, just leave us alone. Our interests shouldn't concern you at all, so just leave..
Persecutor: fine.. ill leave..
Brony 1: Thank you.

by Alpha-ZachRP November 6, 2012

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A male fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. The term brony is a mix of 'bro' and 'pony'

Media will often portray them as creepy older men who have no life outside of MLP. However, that is not the case.

The typical brony is a 13-30 year old male, who enjoys the show to some extent. Most bronies watch the show for it's animation, catchy songs, fantasic storyline, and great humor. Any avid watcher of My Little Pony could be considered a brony (if male) or pegasister (female)

One in the brony community is proud of their interests, wether it be "normal" or not. You'll often find profile pictures of many brightly coloured ponies on any social media site. It is difficult to offend a brony, they'll often only reply with "I'm going to love and tolerate the s*** out of you."

See also: bronies fandom Pegasister

"Meet any cool people at Comic Con?"

"Yeah! I met a really cool brony. We talked about the show for half an hour."

by LynxJinx February 13, 2016

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