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Comrade Ancom

An imaginary individual who has all the necessary theoretical explanations and practical solutions geared towards thwarting capitalism. That is, until you start following them. A political paradox to be sure.

I guess if comrades need the info these days, then you find it from an encrypted server, and certainly not from Comrade Ancom and their regular blog posts and reading groups.

by commielnino July 27, 2023

Road comrade

When you are on the bus and get stopped at a red light, and another bus pulls up in the lane next to you. The driver is a road comrade, and your driver will salute them in respect, and if you are lucky, will start speaking fluent Russian. Witnessing the interaction between a bus driver and a road comrade is said to bring about joyous and happy times to come.

As the bus stopped at the pedestrian crossing, my bus driver saluted a pulled up road comrade with a few Russian phrases before continuing on his way.

by Vladimir Gluten June 27, 2021

sex comrade

a gender-neutral way of referring to your romantic partner

Hello, I'd like you to meet Bean. They're my sex comrade.

by davethewriter March 18, 2023

Comrade Ivan

A vodka maniac doggo with cute communist hat. sexually active dawg and likes to suck deez bananas with fellow comrades. Very chill shnawg

We shall lose our virginity to Comrade Ivan
Wanna suck bananas with our fellow Comrade Ivan?
Vodka by Comrade Ivan is 10/10 like your mama

by PodmoFOOOOOOOOL July 30, 2023




by COMRADORY January 29, 2022

Comrade Cooper

The new dictator of the Soviet Socialist State of Northern Carolina (SSSNR). He came up with a new curfew and now everyone back on provisional license.

Comrade Cooper has just announced that North Carolina will secede from the United States and that it will form it's own country The Soviet Socialist of Northern Carolina (SSSNR).

by Very cool band kid named Jimmy December 12, 2020

Comrade Human

Comrade Human is an anti-degenerate influencer active mainly on YouTube and Discord. He is a centrist who believes in conservative ideas while also adopting a few liberal ideals. A devout Christian, he mainly focuses on converting degenerates rather than eliminating, although it is difficult. Comrade Human is the leader of Comrade Human's Gaeming Server, who usually raid Furry Roblox games or just have fun. It is located on Discord and you can get the invite on their Youtube channel.


"Have you seen Comrade Human's new video?"

by ComradeHuman May 19, 2023