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Cactus Hole

The prickly, itchy and often painful and scratchy state of the asshole after being shaved and the stubble starts to reappear.

My finger stank all week long cause I got the cactus hole.

Her damn cactus hole just about rubbed me raw last night when I took that ass to pound town.

My cactus hole was so bad that I asked our housekeeper to shave my bung.

by Dick Onchin September 2, 2020

Cactus Humper

When a person the shaves their nederlands and it grows back to a stub and tears up their partner.

Man my g/f really turned me into a Cactus Humper last night.

by BoXeR311 January 9, 2005

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Poo Cactus

Poo Cactus is the World's Largest Giant Anal Spiked Dildo. Leaves your asshole dripping blood and looking like a wizard's sleeve.


Cactus (shaft) - 18in. long x 6in. diameter
Spikes - 3in. long (protruding from 'cactus' from multiple angles)

Poo Cactus is exactly the product you need if you feel your anal sex has been lacking those intense, noticeable sensations.
The bold, true-to-life size and tissue-ripping 3 inch metal spikes are guaranteed to have your anus throbbing for at least 3 days after use!*

*May vary based on proper bandaging of the anal walls and healing time (the pace at which your anus repairs itself). If you find you are recovering too fast for your liking, we recommend more aggressive usage.

Pooooooo Cactus!
The best cactus in the world!
Pooooooo Cactus!
Penetrating the asshole of every boy and every girl!

Example 2:
Rick: Dude you might have a serious injury, your ass is leakin' mad blood.
Greg: Nah it's all good, I tried Poo Cactus the other day. Still feeling it now, 3 days and I haven't stopped bleeding.
Rick: Holy shit, dude...
Greg: Yea it works like a charm!
Rick: Awesome! I wanna try, can I borrow yours?
Greg: Yea!
Rick: Yea!

by Anal Bleeder 429 September 9, 2010

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cactus balls

The effect of not having shaved your usually clean shaven testicles for enough time that they grow short unwanted stubs.

Man, I have cactus balls, and it itches like hell.

by DirtyMexcian September 29, 2010

Dry Cactus

one who doesn't put out; someone who, when in a relationship, refuses to engage in PDA; a public prude;

I hear Dori is a dry cactus with her boyfriend

by washyohands February 24, 2011


A funny word to say at people.

Hey Radio Talkshow man, Cactus! Hahaha!

by Adam Corolla October 8, 2003

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Cactus nigger

Someone from Mexico or of Mexican heritage.

- "Man this country sucks."
- "Yeah, it's because of the cactus niggers."
- "Yeah I hate Mexicans too."

by Sarvesh Aniruddha April 23, 2017

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