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Chicken Nuggets

The act of Midgets pouring hot grease all over their bodies, than having a massive orgy in the kitchen.

Me and Chris had Chicken Nuggets last night in my moms kitchen...She later joined in. :D

by Rad Russian September 26, 2010

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chicken nugget

A lump of excretion which is stuck on an object once it has been removed from someone's anus.

I pulled out of her arse and saw a chicken nugget on my bellend!

by Teaboy June 2, 2005

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chicken nugget

Shot of Alchohol, used by underaged drinkers to avoid potential conflict from authorities

hey pass me a chicken nugget!

by Ro February 14, 2005

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Chicken Nugget

A partially charred or burnt bud of marijuana, usually left over in the bowl.

Guy 1: Did Mike let you borrow his bong?
Guy 2: Yeah man, and I even found some chicken nuggets left in the bowl.

by SlamminGrooves October 15, 2010

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chicken nugget

1. n. An interesting analogy that describes the result of someone whose ego has been stomped on. (see example for explanation of said analogy and example)

2. v. Chicken nuggetting; Chicken nuggetted: The act of stomping on someone's ego, either unintentionally or as a joke. The result is never very serious, but hurts nonetheless.

When the victim before had a big ego, and is compared to peacocks (smug they are) but when their ego is stomped, they are made into chicken nuggets - which we all know is mostly made from anything other than chicken - hence the ego has been diminished to nothing:
Oh thanks a lot; now I feel like a chicken nugget.

Friend: Hey, why are you so down?
Victim: She chicken nuggetted me.
Friend: Oh, diddums.
Victim: Hey, you're chicken nuggetting me! Stop it!

by eccentric.joker August 1, 2006

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Chicken Nugget

A measurement used to mark off sets for marching shows. I happens to equal a 42-to-the-5, meaning every 42 steps, you will go 5 yards.

You're off of your set. Go to the left a chicken nugget.

by C#!! November 22, 2007

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chicken nugget

while sharing a bag of marijauna with friends pocketing a bud for personal use.

person 1: who got 5?
person 2-4: i got bive!!
person 3: roll that shit
roller: who got the lightaa
person 1: Dont you chicken nugget you fuckin jew.

by Sacino5 March 1, 2008

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