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A device, which becomes active or operational after inserting a coin.

a coin-operated telephone.

by Pankaj May 4, 2006

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coin dance

when you have a typo while typing " coincidence " and you type " coin dance " do to auto correct

some dude:"wow, what a coin dance!"
some dude:"*coincidence "
other dude: "nah, coin dance is better"

by HEEKYBEEKY March 29, 2016

Coins Booty

Where man find coin on the ground and pick it up using only but

Look! Thereโ€™s a penny on the ground! Do the Coins Booty and pick it up!

by niggapoolbooty September 9, 2020

desperate for that coin

being really desperate for something, usually money. like showing up at work right when your paycheque is ready.

you canโ€™t hang with us cuz you have to work?? damn bitch youโ€™re desperate for that coin.

by knappers May 29, 2023

Get coin

To get money

Yes bitch get coin

by Richchigggg January 8, 2018

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coin box

A nickname reserved for any woman who's been pounded more times than a coin box on Super Mario. Works best if the female doesn't know the true meaning and thinks it's an odd, but maybe sorta sweet nickname.

"Hey coin box! What you doin' tonite?"

by channel_panel January 15, 2017

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coin wanking

the act of jangling change held in a suit trouser pocket, usually performed by male office workers whilst stood chatting to colleagues

to stand near someone, chatting to them, but simultaneously coin wanking by caressing and fondling the change in your pocket

by buzzub January 30, 2009

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