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A Youtuber with a Big Cock!!

You are sutch a ConCrafter!

by Whookey17 January 2, 2017


Coolest Dude of the World we Love you wir lieben dich

Concrafter ist cool

by spiro14 January 3, 2017


Concrafter ist der beste YouTuber auf der ganzen Welt jeder der ihn schaut wird automatisch cooler

Don't fuck with me Bro ~ Concrafter

A:Omg This Pizza is very Good

B: Yes lets Call Concrafter

by Sofiatj January 2, 2017


Concrafter is the best youtuber around the world. He loves pizza and hates tomato juice. He would like to put an alpacer in the garden. He sells the koolszen clothes with his smily in Luca-shop.der. Look mam bek him over and subscribe his canal

Concrafter is the best youtuber around the world. He loves pizza and hates tomato juice. He would like to put an alpacer in the garden. He sells the koolszen clothes with his smily in Luca-shop.der. Look mam bek him over and subscribe his canal

by mara0139 January 3, 2017


A Person, more precisely a young man, who named himself concrafter to hid at first his name. As this had not worked, he gave up and welcomes his spectators with the words "Hello my Name is Luca". His mental age lies with five years, which comes from, that he spends so much time browsing youtube Videos that they have metaphorically taken root, in the manner of potato or other root vegetable. A couch potato of the new millenium. But not that at all. In some way he is a smart guy and a really attractive, cool dude. With his everyday videos he brings light into your life and love to your heart. Usually he does icredibly stubid things. He Likes Pizza a lot.

Hey that man steals my Pizza!
That has to be a Concrafter.

by Lalaaa<3 January 2, 2017


A crazy dude who makes videos on youporn.. ehh... youtube.

Concrafter is the boss

by timmy_holzy January 2, 2017


Such a beautiful boy with fucking cute hair and most beautiful face. *-*

Concrafter your a Alpaka with Pizza in your bag.

by Alpaka Girl January 2, 2017