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Coos Coos

The name of the pool float in Johnnys pool that is blue and has green fins.

Johnny loves to ride Coos Coos while in the pool, sippina beer.

by natfat679 March 2, 2021

coo coo magoo

Crazy fucktard with little or no brain cells. Noun to describe a little crazy ass sucking bitch. First used by Roseanne Barr on the sitcom show RoseAnne

Barak Obama is a coo coo magoo

by kikikooldp December 19, 2013

1👍 4👎


When you alarm like a clock but its not your alarm its the boner you have in the morning that wakes you up

this morning 2 minutes before my alarm, I had a coo-coo-cock

by pookieposts March 1, 2023

Coo coo cotchoo malu

When your really active and someone says you’re coo coo cotchoo malu

You’re really coo coo cotchoo malu

by Queen of the forest November 16, 2023

coo coo coo

momentary intense bonding/vibing

"yeah, I met him at the club last night and we totally coo coo coo'd !"

by lamppostthunder September 13, 2019

Coo-Coo Boy

A teenage male that is under his mom 24-7. He refuses to do anything on his own. A mama's boy.

That teenager is such a coo-coo boy. He is around his mom all the time and gives her no break.

by Dareuz December 21, 2020

Coo coo ka ka

Someone is lame or stupid and that doesn’t get you

Kyle is being such a coo coo ka ka rn he can go poop his pants.

by Hammerheadnipple February 22, 2018