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cosmically funny

When something is funny in a way that only a passive observer to the universe would find funny. Usually out of irony or blatant injustice, and often as a result of tradgedy or something that would almost never be considered traditionally funny.

Can also be used to describe something as "funny in a cosmic sort of way"

Did you hear about that guy who got hit by a firetruck while he was on fire?

Yeah, that was really tragic, but honestly cosmically funny.

by radioturtle July 1, 2022

cosmic castaway

Another term for space case.

He's off in his own little world, a cosmic castaway.

by haroldthesage March 16, 2009

cosmic latte

the color of the whole universe

dude a: "hey man, what color is the universe?'
dude b: "cosmic latte, son."

by karasaiser November 27, 2013

cosmic bully

person or persons that insults others from space. primarily from the cosmic space center. many cosmic bullies target those that do not believe in space, or 3-D, or artisan sandwiches.

that flanny j is a total cosmic bully.

by jb is awesome November 16, 2011

Cosmic Droop

To have an extreme case of "the Droop", wherein everything seems to be affecting your mood for the worse, hightening your sense of doom and gloom.

Jake: Aww man, everything's going wrong! I think i'm getting the Cosmic Droop.

by Captain Y-fronts March 4, 2010

cosmic vaquera

A standing sex position in which the girl straddles the man, holding on with her knees and thighs on his hips, and her ankles resting on his thighs (not wrapped around). She may hold on with her arms around his neck, but the man should not have to hold on to anything, as she should balance on his standing figure the entire time.

Hello class. I am Mr. Russel, your substitute teacher. Mrs. Jensen will not be here today because she injured herself trying the cosmic vaquera last night.

by DarkMatterIII February 26, 2011

cosmic consciousness

"...a higher form of consciousness than that possessed by the ordinary man." (Richard Maurice Bucke)

It makes more sense when viewed through Cosmic Consciousness.

by MadmanMichael April 21, 2017

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