A so called female that has ruined herself from being strung out on mostly meth (not to elimanate other drugs)
Tore back bitch thats buckle as they come
"You see Toms new girl Robin?
"She looks ten years older then she is..
"shes definatly on that meth to look like that..
" ya shes your typical skanky cranky"
Thinking you're cleaver makes you clever, but say it makes you even more clever and and and..... Bragging about yourself is just farting in a wine glass and smelling it. But I guess you just think it's clever....?
Go for the lose and get cranky ya old goonbag!
Anytime you're cranky with your co-workers or anyone that you come in contact with like a toddler does when fighting sleep.
When you really don't want to be bothered but you still have to deal with people at work.
Phone rings constantly at your job.
Marilyn: I'm so sick of this phone ringing and talking to stupid people!
Barbara: It's no worse today than any other day.
Marilyn: I know I must be toddler nap cranky today.
When you done got yourself goat and you forgot to feed it so it rams you. Everybody has been there. Its so simple.
Well I barely had enough cash for the goat and I couldnt afford food, and whilst pondering a new moonshine recipe my cranky goat rammed me.
She is very cranky is always cranky
Lauren is always cranky lauren
The God Of Cranks And Frequently Talks To Children, Giving Them Wisdom In Helloburp Games. Unconfirmed Theory Is That He Is A Simp. He Is Also An Animator And Artist, And He Sucks At It.
Basically a place where you can get your girlfriend on, where boys do their text messaging to show off for them. They say it's a place to rate movies but it's more like this: U damn "Melanie Griffith." If you want to know what that stands for please ask someone other than me.
Thank you...
Hey! Lets go to Mr Cranky where we can act like a bunch of crazy bastards and text message our girlfriends!
"Sounds like fun!"