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The best bestfriend you can have. Always there to help you. Shy with people she doesn't know but goes all out for her close ones.

Joe: She's so quiet...
Russell: That's because you don't know her well. She's Danica.

by Seatyourveggieschildren November 21, 2021


animal jam playing bitch

Danica is such a bitchy bitchy bitch

by Battery! August 3, 2022


A super sweet girl with a big heart. She’ll drop anything for you, doesn’t matter what it is. Amazing friend, girlfriend, overall person. Most likely the funnest person you’ll ever meet since she’s a wild one. As long as you don’t give up on her she’ll never give up on you. When you look in her eyes it’s like seeing what love looks like in a person.

“Who’s that girl? She’s so bright

“That’s Danica dude.”

by vomitingpaprika July 16, 2023


Normally a terrible person that only wants test and homework answers from you.

"Hey can I cheat off of you for the test tomorrow?"
"No, stop being a Danica."

by NotHomoJustBallin February 25, 2022


Is the sexiest baby love for me they 2021 in the sun for me they xx

Add me on fcbook for me they eronica

Danica baby x

by Babylove2021 May 27, 2021


a spirited and determined Disney Princess, embarks on a magical journey of self-discovery, overcoming challenges with grace and resilience as she learns the true power of kindness and inner strength.

Sir Wayne: Kagwapa bala simo Danica!
Danica: Normal.

by meposa December 27, 2023


a Disney princess with an enchanting spirit, possesses a radiant heart that illuminates every corner of her magical kingdom.

Sir Wayne: Wow, Danica kagwapa sa imo.
Danica: syempre disney princess ko ya bala.

by meposa December 27, 2023