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A word someone says when you point out something that slightly hurts their feelings

Guy 1: “Dude, he’s so dickriding right now
Guy 2: “All he said was that your hair looks goofy bro.”

by Thatdudemar101 April 6, 2022


A person named kenady with green hair

She is a dickrider (meaning as that person is constantly annoying one person or simply dickriding)

by Olympicfrankthrower July 23, 2022


Trip chesrown

Trip chesrown rides dick like there’s no tomorrow. You could say he’s the king of dickriding.

by Trip rides dick September 6, 2021


Anderson De Leon

This is a person that dickriding so much specifically Anderson

by Me.RizzingTon December 12, 2022


invented by jay, the first ever human to try it and he loved it ever since

jay is the king of dickriding

by balls8008 April 18, 2022


you on someone bumper a little to bad like y’all all buddy buddy

bitch stop dickriding him/her

by dreadheadsdoitthebest June 13, 2023


dickriding is when someone won’t hop off yo dick yk? like they will NOT stop bothering you despite you pointing it out, usually occurs when the person dickriding looks up to the person

yo, this mf ethan do not stop dickriding!😭 he on my shi like errday on my cock!

by m4tths August 15, 2022