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firemans helmet

a word used by men to describe there cocks

"hello lovely ladies wanna check out my firemans helmet its large and in charge"
"no doosh bag i dont date firemen"

by Ollie Wright,kieron sykes August 18, 2006

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Fireman sam

The hero next door.

Fireman sam you should not ignore. Sam is the hero next door.

by Eddie the Head July 14, 2021

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fireman finish

When she's giving you a BJ and you pull out and bust all over her face spraying it side to side as if extinguishing a fire.

Rob: bro did she swallow?
Uncle Ty Ty: no I fireman finished

Rob: facial?
Uncle Ty Ty: side to side put her fire out

by Dirty Chaos August 9, 2016

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Fireman's Tickle

An act done upon a naked wing.

I am so gonna fireman's tickle his naked wing!

by KooFoo May 8, 2011

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Bavarian Fireman

The act of lighting one's pubic hair on fire, walking into the room, and dousing the flaming area with a pre-filled jar of reproductive liquid (Baby Gravy)

Sex with the Mrs. was getting kinda boring, so I decided to spice it up by giving her the old Bavarian Fireman.

by Piratezebra12 March 20, 2011

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firemans hat

A great prank to play on your friends while theyre sleeping... Simply slap them as hard as u possibly can with the tip of your penis which will create a red crest on theyre cheek in the form of a firemans hat

Dude that was the best firemans hat ive ever give, it will show for days!

by George D. April 12, 2007

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Boston Fireman

The act of applying a topical, rubefacient, heat rub (such as Deep Heat or Dencorub), then having sexual intercourse. The cream causes a burning sensation for both parties - when the heat is intolerable, the man urinates in the affected orifice(s) to douse the internal "fire".

Last night I gave my girlfriend a Boston Fireman.

by firefighterrick October 1, 2009

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