An indescribable sexy dance which can only be properly performed by the lead singer of foster the people, mark foster. Although it may appear to be easy, this dance requires ultimate talent and skillful coordination, which is only fully possessed by mark foster himself. Do NOT attempt at home.
Person 1: You tried the foster shuffle last night!?
Person 2: Yeah, I tripped on my foot, slammed into my wall, and now have a slight concussion.
Sophie foster is the main character in he Keeper of the lost cities series. She is currenly in a love triangle between Fitz vacker and Keefe sencen. Sophie is very loyal and smart. She is mostly oblivious to the boys who like her, and she is very talented.
Wow. you are such a sophie foster.
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A "Foster Stop" is a commonly used term in Alaska law enforcement that has its roots from a particular individual that has difficulty being on time to work. This technique has now spread across the ranks and is occurring frequently. This infamous and often practiced technique occurs when an officer is running undeniable late for work and therefore must stop a motorist to justify being tardy. However, a true Foster Stop occurs within 3-5 minutes of the time the officer is supposed to be at work and they are at least 10 minutes away. Generally, the offense for which the motorist is stopped is very minor and does not result in a citation. This does relieve the officer of any penalties had they been late and in turn has likely made the well prepared motorist that had been stopped late for their job.
As could be expected, this practice is frowned upon by other, more prepared employees who were able to make it to work on time. Any time an officer conducts this type of blasphemous stop, others immediately call out "Foster Stop" and shake their heads in utter disappointment.
(Tim) Man it's like 6:58, where the hell is Foster at?!?
Garble garble garble.....traffic stop....Garble garble garble
(Joe) You have got to be freakin kidding me!! He is 15 minutes away and just stopped somebody. He would have never made it on time.
(Tim) yup, he just did a Foster Stop.....well at least he won't be late now.......
(Joe) shaking his head in disappointment.
To be proud of the amount of garbage you left in the mountains and bring none of it back.
I Garrett Foster’d the shit out of that campsite.
The most attractive lead singer of the indie pop band "Foster The People" . They sing songs such as "Pumped Up Kicks" , "Call It What You Want" and "Helena Beat"
Person 1: You know Mark Foster?
Person 2: Yeah he's that sexy guy from the band Foster The People!
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Someone who fosters an animal just until it can be adopted but ends up adopting it themselves
"I fostered this cat but fell in love with her and ended up adopting her myself. I'm such a foster fail!"
Sam Foster is an extremely zesty person who constantly fantasizes about taking it up the bum.
"dang Sam Foster is so zesty he started watching gay porn during a game of soccer"