A word I made up to tell people to go do their turn in GamePigeon. You would only use this word if you had my phone number and played GamePigeon with me consistently.
*Sees it’s been the opponent’s move on 8 ball for more than a day on iMessage*
Saying that ones self is good at something.
Wow that's a GOG
(Good one grace)
GOG aka "gay on gay" is an encounter between two or more gays that flirt with each other right off the bat and get very sexual and intense even though they just met each other
Person 1: I just had a GOG!!!
Person 2: Omg how was it!?!?
Person 1: We're going to his place right now!!!!!
Gog describes the perfect scenario of life, gog is amazing, gog is great, gog is the world, gog is just anything and everything positivie
On gog
GOG is George named by drunk friends
Look there’s GOG after a bag and a shag! He’s standing in the GOG spot
Drunk name for our friend George after £900 worth of drinks
Gog is standing on the GOG spot. Gog is fiending for a bag, shag and bed