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Goth is a culture where the people embrace the darker side of life, as well as the lighter side. Although there are many types of Goths, it is very common for a Goth to fit into more than one of these 'groups'. Goth's, basically, like to be different and stand out from the crowd. There's Goth music, and not-Goth music. To be Goth, you don't JUST have to listen to Goth music and nothing else, you can listen to whatever the hell you want. Even though some of us might look a little strange, once you actually get to know some of us, we could be the nicest people you ever come across. So next time you see a Goth, think about who they are, not who they come across as.

Kid 1: Look at that weird goth kid!
Kid 2: Eww they're so weird, let's throw my milkshake at him!
Kid 3: No! Wait, you don't know what they're really like! They could be really nice!
Kid 1: I guess you have a point there...
Kid 2: Maybe we could make friends with him!

by The_Different_Girl@vf.com March 10, 2011


goths are just people like everyone else and just because were not what others think is "normal" were suppsoed to be some kind of freaks. we dont drink blood,we dont hate everything, and yes believe it or not we do laugh!
we dont do it for attenton, we do it because we are individuals.we are just people who like different things,and we dont need any other groups making us feel like were lower than them. just because they are small minded idiots that clearly have nothing better to do with there life but to make others feel stupid just because were different. whatever u are u have a right to be it.so ignore anyone else that tries to be "clever" by shouting dumb stuff at u.

goth walking down the street and sees a group of townies.
1#tonwie> errr look its a ditry lil goff.
2#townie> yeh b carful dey might try and cut ya wrist and suck ur blood.
goth just walks past thanking god they arnt that retarded!

by *death*angel* April 30, 2005

190๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who likes dark clothing, graveyards, vampires, werewolves, Halloween, etc. It has nothing to do with being a depressed self-harmer. That's emo, not goth.

Person: Hey, why are you dressed like that?
Goth: Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm a goth.
Person: Oh my god, you're pathetic. I bet you cut yourself for attention. Go fuck yourself. Depressed wannabe bitch.
Goth: Um... I'm not an emo, I'm a goth. I think you have us mixed up.

by FlashwaveXL January 14, 2019

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A goth is just a person, usually one who appreciates both the "positive" and "negative", the "yin" and "yang", "good" and "evil" aspects of life. Usually goths believe that there's nothing in this world that can be completely spelled out in black and white. Usually goths tend to wear black clothing, ornate with metal, but also often enjoy interspersing it with bright colours. A lot of goths dye their hair or have piercings, or wear lots of makeup... which is more an artistic outlet than anything. I guess goths just focus on the dark side of things, because to do so is to be on sort of the "other side" of most of society, which they do enjoy, regardless of what they say. Often goths shop at the hot topic, which doesn't automatically define one as a poseur. Nor does it make someone gothic to shop there. Gothic music doesn't make much of a presence in society these days, though darkwave/industrial/synthpop/black,death metal are often mistaken for "gothic" music. Music that is actually gothic? Joy Division, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, The Cure, etc. These bands are listened to by many people who are not gothic, and no one at the time really labelled it as such. Gothics are just members of an almost completely undefined subculture. Gothics are generally good, benevolent, empathetic, artistic, intelligent, well-read people.
There is the odd asshole, but the same can be said for every group. Gothics almost always can appreciate all kinds of music. Many gothics enjoy listening to Enya. Many gothics enjoy listening to Motorhead. Many gothics enjoy listening to New Order. See the point? There is no real definition, but Gothics is Gothics. We just are what we are, and we only ask for a bit of kindness and understanding, even though we are just a bit strange. =)

Examples of gothics:

Pure goth: Usually found dressing in sort of old-school european style clothing, with lots of black. Often found listening to Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, etc. Often is a strong supporter of animal rights, or a vegan. Usually subscribes to some form of paganism.

Usually wears clothing that depicts a post-apocalyptic Mad Max style motif, often seen with a trenchcoat. Most often have a "harder" personality, but unlike pure "Rivetheads" the classic industrial club-goer, they tend to be a bit less immature and full of rage. Often found listening to music like Nine Inch Nails, Switchblade Symphony, Skinny Puppy.

Perkigoff^_^: This is the kind of gothic who often wears a lot of clothing that is considered gothic, but conveys a lot less serious and sombre attitude. Can be found listening to just about anything, and often this person is more of a "weekend" goth... i.e. they work normal jobs and generally have a lot of friends that are not goths, as well as friends who are. This is I have to say the most common type of goth.

Common Goth: Sort of a cross between all of the above. Most goths dress gothically on a very regular basis, unless at work. Most goths are generally very happy, friendly people. Most goths are also very somber at times.

In other words, that was useless babble! But hopefully it's helpful to you.

by Shiny pants... and uhh blue hair? Bloody hell is so scary about that? May 21, 2004

79๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. stereotypical belief: wears black clothing and dark make up, listens to heavy rock and metal. is depressed and worships satan. talks about suicide and self harms. writes deep and dark poetry to make people think their cool and dark.

the truth: goths arent always deppressed and suicidal, this can be applied to any click, chavs, townies etc can be just as depressed and suicidal as the stereotypical goth.
most are fun loving, and arent worried about what other people think. they will do and listen, like and dislike anything they want and arent worried about the latest fashions and trends.
they wont 'go after' people just because they feel like it, they'll take a beating from a group of chav's, without backing out to find their 'posse'.

2. an east german tribe who left Scandinavia to settle in poland. In the 3rd and 4th centuries, they terrorised the Roman Empire and adopted Arianism. they divided into visigoths and ostrogoths

(for #1)

chav: theres a goth lets go deck him innit son!
goth: hey, why? what'd i do to you?
chav: you dissen me bruv?
goth: erm..what?

(goth's friends appear from the shadows)
goths friends: problem?

chavs: nah, nah blood, is all good innit.
* runs away in terror *

by goth_bunny May 17, 2007

26๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Goth is not a label. Goth is a real culture that expresses the beauty in darkness and morbidity. Goths usually wear all black, the color of their soul. They don't just wear anything black, the black clothes are more unique and elegant. Some Goths go beyond the black clothes and they wear thick eyeliner and black lipstick. Some make their faces white like a ghost and dye their hair unnatural colors. Goths can be Satan worshippers, Atheists, Christians, Pagans, Wiccans, or any religion. There are some people who give Goths a bad name and other Goths call them posers, but that is simply not true. In a garden, though some vegetables may be rotten, that doesn't mean they aren't vegetables. And as for Goths and non-conformity, what does Goth have to do with non-conformity??? If people join the Gothic Culture just because they want to be non-conformists then that is a very bad reason to become Gothic. People can be Gothic and still be individuals. I'm a Goth and I'm also an individual and I don't try to be different because there isn't any point in it. And Goths aren't all attention seekers. Many of us just feel comfortable looking a certain way, even if we have thick eyeliner and black lipstick, a pale face, and green hair. Not all Goths are angst-filled morons who have their mind set on blowing up their school. Alot of Goths don't even go to school; there are many adult Goths as well as teens. And I hate the word poser. People call other Goths posers to make themselves feel good. It's name calling, that's all it is, and it's very puerile. Calling someone a poser is definitely a form of bullying and it needs to be stopped.

I am a Goth because Goth is my soul.

I hate it when Goths get called Satan worshippers and it's not true and instead of just saying "I'm not a Satan worshipper" they go and say something negative about people who truly worship Satan.

I am a Satan worshipping Goth.

by Dark Priestess January 3, 2006

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1. Tribe of barbarians that invaded the Romans.

2. People use this to describe themselves when they are ignorant little bastards that have nothing better to do in life than mope around, be depressed, and talk about suicide. There is a better label for these people: posers.

3. Usually creative, strong, independent thinkers who are fun to be around and generally don't care about popularity. They attract friends who are like them, who aren't necessarily gothic but enjoy a good time and know how to think for themselves. Even if people you label "gothic" and stay away from look scary, actually try talking to them. You'll find that generally they are funny and interesting and aren't afraid to say what they think.

4. Goth music. Buahaha. Good stuff. Think Nine Inch Nails. Yaay. o0

5. People are not always poser goths just because they like "poser" bands like Linkin Park and Evanescence. Though they are NOT goth bands, there are some truly gothic people who just enjoy their songs because they like the tunes and stuff. Just because a few of Evanescence's songs have the word "suicide" in them doesn't mean that all the people who like them cut themselves up for no apparent reason.
But sadly, there are very many people who call themselves goth, are all depressed and STUPID, and listen to those bands just because they think that they're going to be cool because they're listening to *ooh* death and suicide and brokennes... god, people like that make me angry. Sooo angry.

1. Your history teacher: "So you've got your West Goths, and your East Goths, and the Vandals, and they invaded the Romans, and..."
You: -Not listening- Zzzzz...

2. Rich ass kid who has nothing beter to do than whine: "I'm a goth, my life sucks, go away, I think I'll kill myself now, BTW do you know I'm actually a vampire?"

3. Some... person: "You know that goth girl that always looks uber scary? Well I actually talked to her, and she's really nice..."

4. Duh: Avril Lavigne = NOT goth music NEVER NEVER NOOOO

5. a) I guess I like Linkin Park and Evanescence, but I'm not a suicidal freak or anything... I just like the way their music sounds.
b) Lyk OMG i'm a goth and i can prove it look i LOVE evanescence and lp and i slit my wrist...

by Yunie October 31, 2004

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