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greebo, not goths not townies but human not even aliens... if your a greb then thats ur choice no one can tell u 2 change, as no 1 can tell u wot u can or cant be if its wot u want its pathetic...
Goth- mainly into selfharm dark moods and but most of them are quite nice
Greebo- not all greebos get stoned they wair baggys big deal
Townies- think there hard cos they can beat the livin shits out of people like grabos just cos they have big gangs n go to extreems of looking hip
Trendy- well its anova word for townie isnt it
Gangster- theres the greebo type and theres the townie type mostly found ingangs
skaters- usually found with a skate, board blades or bmx
so wot townies r tryin 2 say is that u dress act n are different u deserve to get beaten up for no real reason wen most of u r inocent leave people alone "TOWNIES U WONA B HARD Y DONT U GO N BEAT UP THE COMICS OR OTHER TOWNIES IF UR SO ARD N UR GUNNER BANG US OUT YA GREAT BANG YART U COS UR BIG N SO WOT IF PEOPLE R DIFFERENT" spose ur gunner b beating straight people up next yea like ya care
comic- comic crew very nasty people who go around beating people up for fun hang in same gangs get drunk and carrie knifes and gunns with them along with metal base ball bats etc n will beat up n e 1 u c a comic u run!!!
GREEBOS PUNKS SKATERS GOTHS ROCKERS MODS GANGSTERS there all different take the time to learn it n ull find that out
TOWNIE TRENDY BOY RACERS NORMS there all different but all act the same to people who they think are different

BIG DEAL im a greebo n no one is gunner take that away from me... SO GO AHEAD BEAT ME UP BUT ILL STILL BELIEVE IN WOT I WONA B COS IM ME N UR U!!!

x imo x

greebo- baggys, arm warmers, colourd hair, logo tops, skater shoos or goth boots, rock music etc... spose u could class stoners as another thing all together
townie-low cut tops, mini skirts, high heals, dance music, act stuck up and hard etc...

by IMOlovesBENNETT June 8, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


Arrogant bastards who think they're so individual because they all wear the same baggy jeans, skirts, stripy socks combos. You're no different lovies just a different type of uniform. Most of them sniff at anything thats not guitar based rock you know there's nothing wrong with a bit of hip hop, dance, pop. Of course they sometimes like pop or dance music ironically. They take pleasure in being "Wacky" and as I think is perfectly demonstrated in some of these definitions. Just as narrowminded as those townies/ trendies they claim to hate. Nothing wrong with wearing trousers that fit...

Most likely to be heard saying "Free hugs for all"


"Aren't I weird"

by Kylie Everrett November 26, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


A skiv. They smell a lot and tend to do rather skivvy things, like eat things off the floor, or fleg on people, or ask for bum sex.

*boy flegs on a moving fan, which deflects the spit onto a red eye named shane bailey*

by Samillyroy July 14, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


A 'greebo' is not some peace loving individual at all you hypocritical twats i am always classed as a chav so how do you have the cheek to say you dont want trouble when you mouth off in groups and if theres five or less you shit a brick if i come over to you and this individuality, you all listen to the same music, wear black, go to 'gigs' sit on skate parks etc, the majority of greebos are rich boy/girl mummys boys/girls that go on about how shit life is on your way home to a five bedroom house most of you are faking and just want attention and so what if chavs want to wear lacoste etc, my stone island jumpers was 140 my jacket 440 lacoste tracksuits are 180 and i work two jobs full time and part time and pay for my own shit including my car so no im not claiming benefits to afford it so either speak up in public or shut up being keyboard warriors you bunch of fucking idiots.

Greebo : theres a chav dude ha ha omg hes like smoking a fag and spitting oh my god cant wait to tell everyoneeeeee, fuckin mugs

by Danny stone island June 8, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


greebos are rock/punk/indie listening hipocrites who wear baggy jeans n tops which usually represent a band/ fire/ skating brand or death. Greebos are hypocrites as they always cry and moan in order to be treated fairly like an normal person, when they themselves dislike people that dress in tracksuits and listen 2 grime/ drum n bass/ garage and label them chavs, as a result of their prejudice against these people some greebos are beaten. some greebos go as far as Wrist sliting. But all greebos constantly crave attention by wearing bright colours in order to stand out. And they wander why they get abused.

greebos: look at those chavs (PREJUDICE) siting on the wall (laugh)

people dressed in sporty clothes listening to diferent music to the greebos: Why are they looking at us what have we done to them

greebos: haha neds, dirty chavs living in council houses init

people dressed in sporty clothes listening to diferent music to the greebos: stop taking the piss, i have enough of this constant prejudice lets beat them!

( a few dayz later)

greebos: it was awful there were these chavs siting on a wall and they just came over n beat us up just because we were diferent :(


by Truth Speaking Kid December 27, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having reead through all the definitions there only seems to be one correct, and apparently, only one written by someone over 20. If you're not in you thirties it was likely you missed it. A greebo listened mainly to the Poppies, Neds etc, not metal or rock(especially not Iron Maiden). If you weren't around in the early 1990's them I'm afraid you're just a wannabe. Sorry kids! But definately keep on trying to keep the contemporary alternative scene alive.

Visit a Wonderstuff concert and they all appear from mid-thirty-greebo-land.

by Panacea April 5, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A greebo is a person who usually lives in a rural small city in the midwest or someplace in canada or alaska. They follow mainstream metal and hard rock bands like Marlyn Manson or Slipknot. They buy those baggy fake bondage pants from hottopic.

But just because they don't know anything about real metal or punk rock, don't let that fool you, they're still hardcore as hell, they're just ignorant to boot. They tend to live in trailor parks or indian reservations and have mothers who are probably meth addicts or alcoholics.

They usually don't complete high-school and are charged with a variety of domestic violence crimes. They do plenty of drugs, and talk about it freely.

The reason why they dont know about the more obscure bands is because simply they haven't been exposed to any real 'scene' living in their rural community.

Tom was a goddamn greebo asshole with a face full of zits and long black hair. Spent all his time smoking ciggarettes in the highschool parking lot trying to sell meth, even though he dropped out 2 years ago. And he always wears the same goddamn Rob Zombie T-Shirt. I hear he also had sex with his cousin, but what else to expect in Alaska.

by John Handy September 28, 2007

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