Sort of like a green stop sign but, instead of a suggestion a statement
Yo bro she was giving red green light vibes last night on the phone.
(Phrase can also be re-arranged)
to say "Light the Greens"
ay dog, I've been workin too hard, lets go light the greens.
When every traffic light turns green in a row, usually on a long stretch of road that is very busy. Occurs rarely, but sometimes happens when you desperately need it.
Josh- "Dude, I was running late for work but down Wilder road I hit a green light frenzy and just made it with 2 minutes to spare!"
Mike- "Lucky bastard! I usually get stopped in traffic!"
the act of honking your car's horn at the car in front of your when they're caught snoozing when a stoplight turns green.
Ex 1: I green light goosed somebody so hard yesterday, they did a burn out!
Ex 2: Dude, green light goose that Toyota in front of you!
Green light means someone is a hoe.
Ugh all sally wants is male attention. She is such a green light
Green light can be used when you drain a shot in basketball.
Green light is when a Nazi wants you dead. They “green light you.” And that means they will cover up your murder if any Nazi kills you.
“Eli Falconette was green lighted at 11. He was found dead in his car at 39”