To deficate. Similar to Dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool.
"Sorry, bob's not available right now, he's dropping bobby and whitney off at re-hab". <<flush>>
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Is a parody to Franz Tremmel, the first idiot in Facebook when you tipe his Name. You have to use the sentence when You re very drunk and on Drugs. The sense of it doesn’t exist but is very funny. Unfortunately it’s a German sentence. Often you can „deine Mutter“ hang on it . Ich hab ä Katz dehääm
A slur that shouldn't be used in conversation because the habs boys are a 'clapped' species. They stink and are all ratbags who will never get girls due to their clapped-thick-thot-ness :(
'I'm dating a habs boy'
'Oh my god why would u say that it's a slur! Get out of my site ratetouille'
To abstain from drinking for a time period prior to a major drinking event.
"I am going to get loose on next weekend's camping trip. I better do some pre-hab this week.
A regimen of strength training and conditioning in preparation for a surgical procedure, usually orthopedic, designed to speed recovery.
The reason her recovery went so well and that she was back to playing tennis so soon was that she did her pre-hab.
the hab is another word for drug addict. will do anything to get high. any drug and any sort of choking game or something like that. can be found in dark allies shooting up meth or working the corner trying to get enough money pay for heroine.
man1: why did you dump your girlfriend? i thought she was cool
man2: she was the hab...
man1: oh i understand now... you couldnt put up with her nasty habbits any longer?
man2: no i couldnt