A word that describes a medium sized square plastic bag or baggie that holds a liquid (whether it's juice, water, or cream based) to drink on a hot day.
To open, one of the corners should be bitten off. (then proceed to suck)
Can be served chilled or frozen.
Mainly used in countries like Belize.
What kind of ideal did you get Kristy?
How much is that blue ideal sir?
when you expect real nice canoodling
I had lofty ideals for my boyfriend
OpposingFork's Nazist Ideals are a strict set of ideals set for jewish people for wanting to erase the palestinian ethnicity by bombing children in Gaza. Opposingfork says that hitler was just misunderstood and he was never the bad guy, he was a hero, but he didint succeed in stopping the jews and now palestinian children must suffer because people tought he was bad, oh well, fork wants to continue what hitler couldnt finish.
Oh looks like you are not a premium subscriber! I know how bad it is to be intrerruped in the middle of the story, but i need money so subscribe!
Read the full story here: htt ps://www.wattpad.com/1394072384-opposingfork%27s-nazist-ideals-one-short-story-but-a
OpposingFork's Nazist Ideals WHAT
The modern delusion of material success sold to the western world.
Having Friends and Family, Not starving, and having a roof over my head isn’t enough, it’s not the ideal.
Then no place will ever be ideal for you. Ideal is by definition not obtainable. Be grateful for what you have. Stop the ideal worship.
ideal type, definition: a type of person that catches your eye. a type of person you're interested in. it can be a celebrity or just characterists/face features. henceforth, why julia thinks your cute no matter what you think
Mc: why would you like them?
Friend: because theyre my ideal type!