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indie kids,are often kids who reject labels and will only accept being called an indie kid if called so by a friend who understand that the indie kid did not try and obtain this label.

indie kids style is a mixture of independent factors that they enjoy.
sometimes pulling from the realms of folksy,punk or hip.
indie style is a mixture of other styles,layered to create something somewhat original with each person.

"cute dress,girl."
"thanks trent, i found it in my mom's closet. i like it because it's modern with a twist,and no one else will ever have the same one!"
"aw,you're kind of an indie kid."
"ew! haha."
"no its ok,as far as labels go that's not such a bad one to fit into"
"haha thanks."

by girlyyyyy January 6, 2007

113๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


An indie will never tag themself as indie but will reiceve the tag from the people and peers around them.it's about being yourself.

It isn't a trend, it's a way. Your just like that. An indie has their style and no matter how much copperates target wannabes. Wannabe can never be indie because indie means independant / not mainstream -completly different to sell out "indie" stuff like (vans and pennyboards).

-Indies are indie because of their taste in music. It also sets out the real indies from the fake. Their taste is alternative and indie.
-The Arts are a big part of indie life.
-Indies dont mind what other people think of them. But they still try to look good/presentable.
- They have vintage looking taste and will stay away from mainstream trends.
- The reason i don't list what clothes they wear is because only wannabe indies would care.

Big mistake people make:
- Indies think they are more superior then everyone else. They don't think that they look like that because they don't respond to the glares of judgement from the scene.
-Indies hate all mainstream music. They will mostly stay away from it but may sometime enjoy a song in the top 40. What they hate is cooperates selling bands advertising them as mainstream.
-Indies are Emo, this one will probably piss an indie off the most. Emos basically stole the indie look and made it all black.

Indies dont mind what other people think of them. But they still try to look good/presentable.
~Wannabe indie: Wakes up with bed hair goes out in public
~Indie Guy: wakes up combs hair, styles it to look like bed hair.

~ Wannabe indie (tries to be indie): I'm so indie i got some vans and downloaded snow patrol they so rule.
~ Indie: You could never be indie because indie can't be bought.

~Wannabe Indie: Goes on the internet to see what a indies wears so they could go to school thinking their indie.

~ Wannabe Girl Indie: Im so indie i like love the indie music and the pennyobards are so cool like thats sooo indie. Indie like totally rule. Ekkkkkkkk
~ Indie Girl: You could never be an indie even if your life depended on it. No website on the world would tell you how to be indie.

Call yourself Indie. Your not indie if you do that. If you think you need to do that for people to think your "cool" then you are a wannabe indie.

by Case study: Indie March 2, 2012

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford in the movies.

I want to live like Indy; running around with a cool hat whipping guns out of the hands of bad guys and saving the world at all sorts of exotic locations.

by brendan July 12, 2004

91๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


the art of pretending to be a professional photographer, photos of converses & derelict buildings on your social site is a must.
The art of listening to such obscure bands that the next step in Indieness is listening to non-existence itself, Very few have acheived this.
The art of drinking starbucks & once that becomes mainstream home-growing your own organic coffee beans.
The art of extreme self-denial, A true indie must learn to let go of his or her favourite obscure band once they cross into being a well known band & then rant at how they sold out from their roots.
The art of feigning intelligence, To be a real indie one must watch foreign independent films, possess but not necessarily read or understand influential books (see Ulysses/Walden/Communist manifesto & others) & be able to act intelligent on a subject for a minimum of five minutes over a cup of coffee before your true knowledge on the topic is shown to be extremely limited & flawed
The ultimate paradox, of claiming to be unique & not following trends. Yet then adhering to the above statements

If you were really Indie you'd piss in your bed & not the toilet, cause you know toilets are SOOO mainstream

How many indies does it take to change a lightbulb? Hint: its some really obscure number you've probably never heard of

by dumguy1&dumguy2 June 16, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anything (band with independent label, style, person, etc.) that is 'independent'.

Bands are considered indie if they are independent label and make almost no money at all.

Kids generally call themselves indie when they shop at thrift stores. After their escapades in the thrift store, they then buy thousand-dollar Nikon cameras and a polaroid. They take loads of pictures from strange angles, take pointless pictures (such as shoes), and take provocative pictures (but to them, it's not provocative - it's indie).

These people then bitch to normal people about how 'normal' is overrated and that listening to mainstream music shows that you have no individuality.

Apparently, the only way to be an individual is to buy cheap-ass clothes that have been worn by who knows how many people, waste your time and money, and preach to others.

Indie Guy: What are you listening to?

John: Dynamite by Taio Cruz - man this shit has a sick beat.

Indie Guy: Wow. Way to completely turn over your individual soul and personality to the corporate music industry. Find mental maturity through real music by bands that nobody knows.

John: Dude. Shut up.

Indie Guy: I'm gonna go take some pictures of some stupid shit like dirt now.

John: Stupid ass indie kid.

by the kid 101 September 18, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Abstract kids. nothing like them in the world. everybody says theyre always so smart and this and that. but u dont have to be a genius. you should just have strong opinions and the strength to back them up when they are questioned. indies just cool in general. it mostly deals with liking things that arent the norm. or dressing the way you want to dress. and being indie means that u dont like lables because they just suck. they chill at nifty places like shows, libraries, the ipod store, and urban outfitters. they dress different. no indie dresses alike so theres no real way to explain it, just that when you see an indie kid youll know its an indie kid.

bob dylan.
anybody at urban outfitters.
anybody in the band death cab for cutie or sullivan etc....
u know. i cant really give an example of indie people bc theyre all so different. so im not even gonna bother anymore

by boomboomhuckjamm August 1, 2006

137๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who don't think they are better than you in every way.

They know it.

I am one of them. Indie is still independent. For now.

by A_l_e_x_ July 8, 2006

126๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž