Sporadic unplanned chaos balled into a not so compact mess of thoughtless actions
You could blame it on the steven Irvin phenomenon
The religion based off the belief that Irvine, California exists as a prosperous technology hub of Orange County. Many who are oppose the following of Irvinism state that the city is but a mere lake.
Man, that little dingus is now a staunch believer of Irvinism. What a basic individual.
A great guy, with an amazing personality. Tall and has beautiful eyes.
Very muscular and has a nice smile.
He can make you laugh and he's a good looking guy.
Hey , meet my friend Irvin he's a gentleman.
Best mixing engineer to get you sounding right, all for a fee!! Gotta PAY TF UPP
Lets go to IV (IRVIN)to get our songs mixed :)