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He is a guy's with nice back and big tRicEps. He is a nice boy but has very rough hands. He is smart and loves doxing dads

OMG you are so ishan

by Mommehlovesyou August 9, 2022


Piece of shit, likes every girl exept the girl who likes him....

Don't be such a Ishan,!!

by fiat punto November 28, 2022


he may look like a flatty patty but he is a juicy wuicy booty.he likes to get a bit jelly here n there but nothing cant stop the thick man

OMG is that ishan!!! i heard he has a big bootyis maxiums

by jred chu≠ October 1, 2023


a asswhole but is funny most of the time

The dick i got slapped by was a Ishan

by urban ela kid March 17, 2022


ishan is a god
ishan is the god of speed
ishan is the god that keeps all of our sanity in tact. he preserves the natural world in order. he keeps everything balanced with his divine influence. his divinity and speed give him the most powerful tools marking him the greatest god of all time to ever be existent. ishan is the god. the best god. and the sexiest man with rizz.

Girl 1: "Omg have you seen that guy before. hes so hot!"
Girl 2: "Of course he is. He's Ishan."

by ishanfollower1 March 15, 2023


A cute little dick.sucks at everything.he was born on highway as accident happen there only.the most chutiya person in the work.with zero money but acts like he is rich.super noob.

Ishan is a noob

by Shsjsjsskaoos November 30, 2021


A true beta male who can't even edge in OHIO

Bro ive never seen that beta male edge, he must be an Ishan

by joreisgoat May 23, 2024