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flub jub

Any jigglyness or extra fat on ANY part of the body

Stop poking my flub jub you asshole!

by A to the zizzle December 12, 2010

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"to lube one's anus, using one's bill"
ducks show a keen interest in the art of jubbing,

Jub my anus, you jubber, jub off, why arnt you jubbing yet, jub me you jubbing jubber

by adam barker March 6, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


1)someone who is affected by a dibillitating diesease such as down syndrome

2)someone who is under the influence of drugs

1)"look at that jub who just fell over"

2)"I've smoked to much weed and I'm jubbing out"

by D-eX April 7, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lonely person, a person on their own.

To be on your jub
He/She is a jub
To feel jubful (lonely)

by Jean February 1, 2005

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jungle bunny abbreviated ie racist term for a black person.
similar to nigger, coon or wog.

hey look at that dirty jub!

by mr.KKK July 15, 2004

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Jib Jub

derogatory slang for someone who is a bit clueless, originating from east coast of Australia, brought to london at turn of the 21st century and now significantly used across the city

That guy is such a jib jub

by crazymac June 23, 2013

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When you flick a cats nose, it jubs backwards.

I touched the cats nose and its head jubbed back.

by 1337 July 1, 2004

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