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lettuce juggling

when you juggle lettuce

Dave: damn, he do be lettuce juggling doe
bill: damn staight

by hfarbjhfbgrjhgur June 18, 2021

Juggling Brown

When one is in the process of turtle heading a turd and continuously sucks it in and out whilst heading towards a bathroom.

"I was juggling brown that entire walk across the forbidden section." Said Dobby while fingering Hermione. "What's that smell?!" Exclaimed Harry.

by George Richard Sweet May 20, 2021

Juggling the Boys

Playing with your balls

I’m going to be fifteen minutes late, I was juggling the boys.

by DatRoon May 22, 2021

Facebook Juggling

When you have so many windows and games going on Facebook that you feel as if you are juggling.

Dude, I had like 20 different convos up!

Me too, and I was also having a poke war!
Man, sounds like you were super Facebook Juggling

by shadyblues13 July 2, 2011

juggle jerking

switching hands often during masturbation sometimes making gestures with the free hand

sometimes my right hand gets tired so I have to start juggle jerking to keep things going

by aubrun bovine of moist hollows October 1, 2014

cum juggling

Cum juggling is when a person, with a mouth full of cum, deposits this cum into another person's mouth, and they pass it along in this manner either between themselves or more people.

This can also mean when a person takes ice cubes made of cum and actually juggles them, seeing how many passes can be done before they melt or they drop the cum cubes.

"Bro I was in a cum juggle that lasted for 12 people before that idiot swallowed the load."
"Bro I was cum juggling for a solid 90 seconds last night. New record!"

by eeValeni September 5, 2019

Attached Juggling

The action of playing with Astrojaxs. Astrojaxs are often referred to as AJs, so Attached Juggling is an anagram and can also be shortened to AJ.

A term to describe toys similar to Astrojaxs. This includes brand name toys like monkey knuckles (two free moving balls on a string with stoppers at the end) and home maid astrojaxs.

"I like to go to the park and do some Attached Juggling in the fresh air."

"Look at this new Attached Juggling toy I made! Its four wooden blocks on a string. Its no Astrojax but I think its pretty cool"

by Questionever January 8, 2012