Source Code

keyboard courage

Main Entry: Keyboard-courage
Pronunciation: 'kE-"bord-'k&r-ij
Function: noun
descriptive quality: 1: A quality or characteristic displayed by a person through the written word that this person would not ordinarily possess. 2: The confrontational attitude exhibited by someone via an anonymous entry to an internet web-page or posting. 3: An attitude demonstrated by someone when they realize that actions taken by them or words written by them across a computer connection will have little, if any, personal repercussions. 4: A false bravery possessed by an individual who does not possess the true quality in person.

Chat room person 1: I think wrestling is all fake, those guys couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

Chat room person 2: Yo, real or not, these guys are big and powerful. They could probably use you as a fish bait.

Chat room person 1: Up yours, ass-wad! If these monitors weren’t between us, I’d wire my mouse through your eye-sockets! You waste of money-shot fluid! Who do you think you are?!

Chat room person 2: Terry Hogan, man. You got a lot of Keyboard courage going on, where do you live?

Chat room person 1: ………(staring blankly at screen, sweat rolling down forehead) ………… ………… ………… ……..uh………China. Yeah, that’s it, China……….(shutting down computer, and jumping in bed with a stuffed animal).

by D. Wulf July 31, 2006

75👍 11👎

Keyboard Romeo

Somebody who is very charming with the ladies through text/ instant messaging, but is really awkward in real life.

Guy through text: OMG You're so pretty!
Girl through text: OMG THANKS!
The next day at school...
Guy: ...
Girl Hi!
Guy ...
Girl: What a keyboard romeo.

by Pseudonym_1 February 11, 2013

23👍 2👎

Keyboard Warrior

A person who equips a tactical keyboard and fights in battlegrounds like Facebook, Twitter, BuzzFeed YouTube channel, Reddit, Minecraft and Fortnite. Their enemies are usually people who disagrees with them.

They're also know as the Inter-net tough guy.

One TYPE from a keyboard warrior usually ends with some lost of brain cells.
Their most famous provoking insult is, "Type at me bro" which immediate triggers the enemy to fight back.

Their only weakness are their fingers, which gets quiet over time.

"Look son, we got a keyboard warrior."

by Npctriggeredbymeme November 26, 2018

38👍 3👎

Keyboard Politician

Someone who thinks they know everything about politics and usually butts in whenever there's a political discussion brought up online, you'll find these scum on forums such as Reddit, 4chan, & on other social media such as Instagram, Facebook & Youtube.

Rob: I think Reasonable Doubt is one of the greatest albums ever that talks about the ghetto
Josh: White people caused the ghetto in the 1st place
Rob: Why the fuck are you bringing this shit up

Josh: Because what the government did was terrible
Rob: You don't even know this shit you keyboard politician

by SkkkrtSkrt July 4, 2017

Keyboard Debate

A political argument that takes place on the Internet. These types of debates usually take place on social media sites around election times. Keyboard Debates typically start on a politically opinionated posts, status, pictures, and videos in the comment section.

Sam: How was your weekend?
Joe: Not so good. I got into a bunch of keyboard debates about Obama and Romney on Facebook.
Sam: You need to stay off Facebook or don't say anything about politics during elections.

by That American Kid July 12, 2013

Cold keyboard

Ignoring someone via the internet; giving a virtual cold shoulder. Giving someone the cold keyboard may be due to:
- Annoyance with said person, caused by either a genuine problem or something utterly fucking stupid, like trolling.
- Having gotten pwned and having no possibility of coming back, giving the cold keyboardee immense satisfaction.
Et cetera.

When Johnny didn't understand that Betty's monosyllabic responses to his IMs meant she didn't feel like talking, she resorted to giving him the cold keyboard.

Sally gave me the cold keyboard after I kicked her in the ass arguing logic on facebook. There is no sweeter satisfaction.

by KasiaR August 18, 2010

Keyboard Seizure

When someone spazzes out on a keyboard or on there phone typing thingy.

OyIGr(dfoa&^obit*YDCHPYIGlu *pua&(wt :s8ODIG oPWT:*(OTD Is a good example of a keyboard seizure.

by SpooderManiac December 22, 2014

15👍 1👎