best doggin place you will ever go.scenery is stunning.10/10 recommend
‘lighthouse car park doggers’
It's when you soak your penis in rum, and then light your rum soaked penis on fire. Then you use another mans butt hole to put the flame out.
For $15; Could I interest you in a Rhode Island Lighthouse douse?
A place where the apoc 2 development team meets up and has gay sex
hop on lockport lighthouse prazzy
okay gusmanak!
1: An individual or organization that is responsible for helping people discover and or assist them in getting actively involved with one or more nonmainstream political parties.
2: An individual or organization that is responsible for identifying problems that are negatively impacting society and get organizations, the government, and or people involved in order to try to fix it
Example for definition 1: Ana has told numerous people about the Reform Party and the Citizens Party; and she helped them get involved in those parties’ activities. Ana is a political lighthouse.
Something getting messed up by Lighthouse Academy.
Don't leave anything out in the hallway or else it will get Lighthoused!
(V.) To get black-out drunk. Lights on, nobody home.
I was lighthoused by 11 o'clock and had to be carried out of the bar
The lighthouse manager circles around, focusing on one small aspect of the issue at a time, for less than a second, makes a snap decision ignoring the rest of the issues, then repeats 1 minute later making and entirely new snap decision. Result: project goes nowhere.
Manager: Why is that in Red?
Staff: it's the customer requirement.
Manager: but their logo is blue.. make it blue!
Staff: typical lighthouse management, it will be green tomorrow!!