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A stupid word made up by a sissy snowflake society (typically feminists) in an attempt to demean men and how they speak.

Girl he was giving me advice but I didn’t want to agree with it so I labeled it mansplaining.

by DirtyDeeds February 24, 2022

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A sexist β€œterm” women use when a man patronizes someone.

My friend was mansplaining to my roommate how to correctly pronounce her own name.

by weezr December 20, 2020

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A magic word used to invalidate anything said by a male when they are winning an argument.

Male: "... And that's why the Lord of the Rings is better than Harry Potter."

Female: "why do you have to go around mansplaining everything? You're such a jerk."

by Closeted March 11, 2021

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When a man (or any gender) re-explains something a woman (or any gender) has just said., as if what the first speaker said was not accurate or complete.

His mansplaining is really getting to me. Why does he have to reiterate everything I say, immediately after I say it?

by Cyber-gal June 2, 2017

133πŸ‘ 712πŸ‘Ž


The act of a man explaining something he may not really know to a woman who does, due to an assumption or expectation that knowledge is somehow inherent in the male condition, paralleling a void of knowledge waiting to be filled in the female condition.

Man: There are fascinating research developments in paleotherapy these days.

Wiman: why, yes, I'm actually the...

Man: it's like this, the researchers have learned that...yadda, yadda, yadda....and then they...,

Woman ( finally grabbing the mic after he's been talking nonstop for 10 minutes): I know. I have been the lead scientist the research team for eight years.

In this situation, the man is mansplaining because he does not know as much about the topic as the woman but he speaks authoritatively on it and talks over her attempts to correct him and to tell him she doesn't need the explanation.

by Librariancyn March 11, 2017

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When a human male has Correctile dysfunction

watch out Suzie, he's MANSPLAINING run before he tries to explain something to you

by Skully534 January 7, 2021

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What a man does when he assumes that most of the women he talks to need to hear his explanations. The problem is not the explanation itself but the underlying and often unconscious belief in inequality, the systematic assumption that women are not very intelligent, knowledgeable or competent. Mansplaining is always talking down, a form of condescension. It can be done with contempt and scorn or with benevolence and generosity, the way a father may explain something to a child. It can also be part of an attempt to impress a woman, like any other show of strength, competence, skill, money, cojones or bravery.

How can you tell that a man is mansplaining?
– It is most obvious when a man who knows little about something explains it to a woman who knows a lot about it, like when a layman attempts to explain how the brain works to a female neurosurgeon.
– When a man doesn’t attempt to find out how much a woman knows about something before explaining it to her.
– When a man disregards evidence of her competence to continue his explanation more than once.
– When the explanations are unsolicited, uncalled for or otherwise inappropriate.
– When he continually cuts her off to continue his explanation.
– When he explains her thoughts, feelings and behavior to her despite her objections.

When a man treats both men and women this way he is not a mansplainer per se, he is simply an entitled ass with an inflated ego who believes humankind stands to benefit from his knowledge.

I get tired of the guys in the tech department mansplaining me.

by lyeska October 19, 2014

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