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Medicine Balling

The act of injecting your nutsack with saline until it is the size of a soccer ball.

After Medicine Balling, Matt likes to ride the subway and stand ackwardly close to people sitting down so it in their face.

by Kellori March 4, 2010

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medicine shits

Diarrhea or extremely runny shit caused by taking ADHD medicine and then eating food right after

Man, I had an awful case of medicine shits this morning!

by JayRutt May 11, 2017

Childrens medicine

Medicine up the ass

If I give everyone a Dexedrine do they thank me if I use childrens medicine?

by Cody5050 January 31, 2022

Mouth Medicine

There are multiple meanings to this, each one including something for regular use and one for sexual wording:
1. Standard medicine you put in your mouth for sores or something.
2. A sexual term for sucking/taking ones dick.

1. bro, my mouth hurts, I need some mouth medicine
2. big daddy, i'm horny, give me some of that mouth medicine

by ThatOneWhiteOreo December 10, 2020

medicine balled

When a person (typically a smaller female) gets tossed back and forth between two males.

Instead of going to the gym, we could just invite Stacy over to get medicine balled.

by wolf10001 August 5, 2017

medicine stick

A great object that mistifies many and cures many ailments. The sole possesor of this object is Nicco The Great (an Ingersoll).

Look upon the great medicine stick and be amazed.

by Nicco The Great January 8, 2010

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Medicinal Bender

Act of drinking a handle bottle of liquor at the first sign of flu or cold symptoms, bringing your blood alcohol level to about .35, and killing any germs present in the human body.

Glen, "man James you looked like shit yesterday, I was sure you were coming down with that nasty flu that's going around."

James, "I was, but I did a Medicinal Bender by drinking a handle of Beam, killed all those germs before I woke up!"

by TuckDCconnect January 6, 2011

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