An annoying, or annoyance of in a private place
She felt pussy migged while in her tent with the spiders watching and moving around on the floor.
A animal that roams around candle wood and its surrounding lakes looking for little kids to eat. Note to self HAVE A TEN DOLLAR BILL AT HAND
That mig foot is gaining on us!!!
Mig is the word used for a Transgender Femboy.
''Yo did you hear that Michael is a Mig ?''
''No way, I didn't know that dude !''
1 a rare friend who is admiringly honest, with an unrelenting diligence to be the best; whose brightness of
heart shines forth through his smile, whose unwavering authenticity is his true style; who is more talkative than you
but invested in your time, with some games, gossip, some beer and wine;
2 un amigo that you would grow fond, from bootcamp, to graduation, to treasure beyond.
3 A marble game, as played in California.
He is awesome and I miss him so much. Oh Migs!
The best Twitter user in existence
Mig is so awesome, I would totally suck him off 🗿
The best baseball player
We <3 mig
have you heard of mig? Hes so amazing!
A Rank on the chief o-scale and that is really bad. You never want to be a mig they are bad people. A Mig is a chiefs worst enemy and. Migs are bad people, Chiefs are good.
Guy 1: Don't you hate migs
Guy 2: yeah they suck