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Mikhail is like a god. He is very athletic and sexy as fuck! He is the type of guy who all guys wanna be and all the girls want but is usually taken by an amazing girl! Mikhail Tolmachev is someone with a huge penis! He is one to succeed in life! Someone who is named Mikhail Tolmachev will grow up and be rich! Everyone wants to have the name Mikhail!

"I wish I was like Mikhail

Life would be perfect!"

by top GG April 18, 2023


Mikhail, wow he is so empty minded probably bats fly around in his head. Like why tf was he even born, I mean he doesn't do anything ACCEPT act gay around the homies. Probably an ant is more productive than Mikhail. And wtf is that name? Mikhail? The name has the word "hail" in it, wtf is he like some kind of storm. If you know a guy named Mikhail, be careful, please.

What is that guy doing, he looks to be sniffing wet paint, must be Mikhail.

by miki_13 November 23, 2021

Mikhail's law

Mikhail's law is when you get rejected and move on to a new woman. It is also when you get dumped you date someone new the next day. This law is not usually effect boys named Mikhail but was named because a boy named Mikhail Mawlynnong, Meghalaya who was rejected many times and was picked up by a unknown white man visiting the small town when he heard some girls talking about Mikhail.

"It must be Mikhail's law" said the friend.
"You got Mikhail's law my friend"

by A urban Canadian May 29, 2023