Source Code


Milk is an admirable adorable alluring, angelic appealing beauteous bewitching captivating charming classy comely cute dazzling delicate delightful divine elegant enthralling enticing excellent exquisite fair, fascinating fetching fine good-looking gorgeous graceful grand lovely magnetic magnificent marvelous mesmeric nice pleasing pretty pulchritudinous radiant ravishing refined resplendent splendid statuesque stunning sublime superb symmetrical taking tantalizing teasing tempting girl. Milk is my little princess >< her bf will be there for her no matter what. Always take care of her because she's the sweetest person you will ever meet.

A : Wow, who's that?
B : She's Milk, ptw's little princess.

by por tor wor November 22, 2021

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The best thing in the world

I’d you don’t agree then TOO BAD YOU DIE

Hallo I like milk

by Dude I’m awesome and love cats June 3, 2019

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there are two types of milk one u get from a cow and the other you get from some nice titties


by swaggycashmmoney23 July 6, 2020

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The reason my dad left

Me: where ya going dad?

Dad: To get milk

by I can’t find a fuckin ud name! February 25, 2020

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Cereals best friend

Man cereal is my best friend, said the milk

by Declandoss November 12, 2018

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Cereal water

Do you have cereal water? Yeah I have milk.

by CerealWater June 2, 2018

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A slang word that means "Skimp" made by Alanna

Man I hope this job aint Milk yo

by Alanna Mae September 15, 2006

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