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The green stuff used to pay your bills

Person 1. "Your very rich and have lots of money!"
Person 2. "That's not actually money!"
Person 1. "It's not?"
Person 2. " I printed it"

by people people April 21, 2015

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Something you dont have

Look she/he dont have money

by yungnturntdf January 26, 2023


Currency, whether it be coin or paper, which may be thrown away without regards for one's own financial well being for alcoholic beverages whenever the term "YOLO" is mentioned between a group of friends.

"Who cares how much money we spend at the bar tonight, YOLO!"

by dundalkbill August 7, 2012

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Money is a unit used to acquire, or purchase objects.
When purchasing, you trade your money for the object that someone else owns that you wish to acquire from them.
Money may also be used to market, or sell objects.
When selling, another person, or costumer, will trade their money for the object that you have that they wish to acquire.
In America, money comes in either dollar bills or coins.
Common dollar bills that are currently available are $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100.
Coins are measured in cents unlike bills, that are measured in dollars, therefore the term dollar bills.
Common Coins that are currently available are pennies (1 cent), nickels (5 cents), dimes (10 cents), and quarters (25 cents).

This scene is occurring in a family room-
Child 1 (boy- Charles): Sister, how much money do YOU have?
Child 2 (girl- Anna): I have $9.53 cents. My money is made by two $2 dollar bills, one $5 dollar bill, 3 dimes, 2 nickels and 13 pennies! What about you, brother?
Charles: I have $5.79 cents. One $5 dollar bill, 1 dime, 12 nickels and 9 pennies. You have more money, awwww! :(

by RICH_LIFE_YO!!! January 2, 2018


Adverb: Meaning to be cool; attractive; sexy. Expression first appeared in the movie "Swingers"

You are so money and you don't even know it!

by bum-bum October 27, 2005

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The true embodiment of โ€˜Godโ€™ that virtually all human beings on this planet actually worship, live, suffer and die for, regardless of their professed religion. (also a cool Pink Floyd song).

Oh yeah, Gotta make more money!! Screw everything else! Nothing like the almighty buck! :p

by Space Demon-69M April 2, 2019

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1. Another name for a type of currency or medium of exchange for goods and/or services.

2. A slang term referring to a male, generally of the negro race. Similiar to calling a person playa or homie.

How much money does that hooker cost?

Sup Money.

by WissMan March 7, 2003

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