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"Mormon" is a term used to refer to people that belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormonism is a religion whose teachings are either misunderstood or skewed by many people in an attempt to discredit. Just to be clear, I am an inactive Mormon, and I do not agree with all of their teachings, however, I'm tired of seeing so many people who know the rumors and not the facts, so here I am to supply the facts and to discredit the rumors. Ahead is a list of mormon beliefs along with some facts. The Mormon church was restored by Joseph Smith after he recieved a vision from God. Joseph Smith is not the founder of the church, but the one who restored it. Mormons are christians. If you disagree with this, look up the definition of christian in a webster dictionary. Mormons practiced polygamy in the 1800s but do not any more, except for a very few amount of Mormon Extremists that live in Utah, but they are usually arrested and sent to jail. Mormons do not worship Aliens in their temples. Their temples are where couples are married and families are sealed so that they can spend the rest of their lives together not only in this world, but in the next world as well. There is no "till death do you part" in a mormon wedding. Also, Mormons do not believe that they or any other being can ever be God's equal, or be a God, however, they do believe they can become perfect "like" Jesus after they learn and aqcuire a complete understanding in the next world and evolve spiritually. Mormons do no believe in Hell as a place. They believe that every single person in the world no matter what has a chance in the next world. Also, the Words of Wisdom are a set of health reccomendations that suggest that people shouldn't smoke, drink coffee, or drink alcohol for health related reasons. A large population of mormons live in Utah, but most of Utah's inhabitants are non-mormon and most Mormons don't live in Utah. Most mormons are nice because they have high moral standards. Some mormons can seem to be bitches or assholes because of the way they say things, or because of their sometimes arrogant attitudes towards non-mormons, however, if you come across a mormon like this, just ignore them and know that not all are like that, and try to pay more attention to the doctrine and not the people. They believe God is a loving being and not a being to be feared, as many other religions believe. They believe that confession is a step toward repentance, but is not complete repentance, and that if one's repentance is sincere, all sins can be forgiven by God. They don't think that they are the only religion with truth. They believe that many different religions have truth in them. They just believe that theirs is the most true, like all religions. They also believe in God Given free will, or the ability to choose for yourself. They are not a cult, do not worship satan, and are not racist against black people. Some of the nicest people I've met have been Mormon. A word of advice is don't believe everything to hear. Look into things for yourself. Its embarrassing when you claim things to be true and are then proven to be false.

Mormonism is the fastest growing religion in the world.

by Russ B-M February 19, 2006

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a group of people who unknown to them have been brainwashed and believe that god is a man living on another planet (near kolob) who has lots of wives. They believe they can also become gods and have their own wee planet. Jospeh Smith started the whole thing - he was a mason and stold lot of their ideas. he also had 14 wives, some of whom already had husbands and one was only 14. the religion is sick. visit www.exmormon.org or www.realmormonhistory for more info.

'yes god really is a spacealien who inhabits another planet!'

by I used to be a mormon.... April 9, 2005

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a group of CRAZY people that think they are better than the rest of us .

morman girl: yes i am going to heaven.
Normal black girl: Oh yeah i am glad .
Morman girl: i won't see you there though.
NBG:what do you mean ?
Morman girl : well negro's can't attain a higher level .
NBG : why ?
MG : because you are a beast !

by Lafawanduh August 9, 2005

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A Christian religion that believes the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father are three separate individuals.
We believe that Joseph Smith restored the gospel.
For more information go to LDS.org

They have 12 kids?!? They must be Mormons...

by Blond Violinist May 28, 2015

22๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A highly religious group of people who love the Lord Jesus Christ, and try their best to be like Him out of love for Him. They believe God is our loving Heavenly Father, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They believe the teachings of Jesus Christ and the prophets can help people gain peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. They believe God has always used prophets to teach this to his children. They believe Jesus Christ was the only perfect, sinless person to ever live, and through his grace we are saved. He is the only object of their worship. They believe the church Christ set up was rejected by the people at that time and was not restored in its fulness until 1820 when God the Father and Jesus Christ, out of love, appeared to Joseph Smith and called him to be one of their prophets. Under the direction of God and Jesus Christ himself, Joseph Smith restored Christ's true church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As evidence of this to the world, God had Joseph Smith translate The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. They believe the Bible is the word of God, and that The Book of Mormon is also the word of God. The Book of Mormon helps them more clearly understand the Bible. Mormons believe God answers prayers and families can last forever. They believe salvation can come to all who choose to follow Jesus Christ in word and in deed.

Man, those mormons sure do love Jesus!

by infaredx November 15, 2012

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People who will deny that they are not wrong and are the most close-minded people you will ever meet. My whole family is mormon but me and my bro. Sadly, they are closed in by the church that they don't know what the real world is when they finally get to it. People aren't always nice to you outside Utah!! (Hint yes i know they are not polygamists ANYMORE. However they were in the 1800s and so on)

"I think its funny how mormon is so close to the word moron." - My sweetheart Ishy talking bout mormons

by Vitomanez April 30, 2007

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A self-righteous person who feels right at home working as a tax collector or a security clearance inspector.

One of the self-righteous, inhospitable persons who follows me up and down the aisles of a market when I shop for groceries in Utah.

A Utah resident who, upon seeing my big white beard, treats me like a pariah.

A person who, having never read the Bible, believes that Jesus is Satan's brother, that God has a few million wives, that couples stay married after death, that the dead can be baptised into the faith, and that it is perfectly good business to cheat gentiles.

Heber is a Mormon. He religiously screws gentiles in all his business dealings and often mistreats the wives.

by Bumkicker Slade April 24, 2005

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