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A follower of the Islam religion.

Some Muslims use their faith as an excuse to kill innocents.

by Cortana Dragoon July 16, 2005

2248πŸ‘ 1814πŸ‘Ž


Someone who follows Islam.

After believing in Islam, one is a Muslim.

by Trollgasm May 31, 2011

1921πŸ‘ 1605πŸ‘Ž


Follower of Islam (meaning submission to Allah).

I will start you off with a handful of quotes from the Qur'an. I can go on for pages but there isn't the space here. I will ignore the Hadiths (with such wonderful quotes as "If a woman's conduct is mischievous or immodest, the husband has the right to beat her up but must not break her bones" TR. P 439) and will stick to the divine infallible word of Allah through Prophet Mohammed.

Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. Allah does not guide the wrong-doers. 5:51

Mohammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. 48:29

Those who resist Allah and his messenger will be humbled to dust. 58:5

As for those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations, they are the heirs of Hell. 5:10

...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: Allah will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them... 9:12

Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their Home: an evil fate. 9:73

Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and Allah's religion shall reign supreme. 8:36

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. 9:121

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last day, nor hold the forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jiziyah with willing submission. And feel themselves subdued. 9:29

It is He who has sent forth His apostle with guidance and the true Faith Islam to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the idolaters may dislike it. 9:31

Allah revealed His will to the angels, saying: 'I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!'

When you meet the unbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until War shall lay down her burdens. 47:4

The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet and alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; Save those who repent before ye overpower them. For know that Allah is Forgiving, merciful. 5:33-34

Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 9:5

O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a hundred stedfast they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are a folk without intelligence. 8:65

The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. 98:1-8

The Jews call 'Uzayr-a son of God', and the Christians call 'Christ the Son Of God'. That is a saying from their mouth; (In this) they but intimate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are decluded away from the Truth. 9:30

The curse of Allah is on the unbelievers... humiliating is the punishment. 2:89-90

..The unbelievers shall endure forever the torment of Hell. The punishment will never be lightened, and they shall be speechless with despair. 43:74

For the unbelievers We have prepared chains and fetters and a blazing Fire... 76:1-5

O you who believe! When you encounter in battle those who unbelieve as opposing forces, do not turn your backs to them in flight. For whoever turns his back on them on such an occasion – except that it be for tactical reasons such as withdrawing to fight again or joining another troop of believers or taking up a position against another enemy host – has indeed incurred Allah’s severe punishment, and his final refuge is the Fire; how evil a homecoming and a destination to arrive in. 8:15-16

Try as you may, you cannot treat all your wives impartially. 4:3

Men take authority over women... As for those who are disobedient, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. 4:34

by Educated on the subject. March 6, 2005

4031πŸ‘ 3612πŸ‘Ž


A muslim is someone who practices islam. nothing more than that. islam is a monotheistic (1 god) religion that (believe it or not) incluedes many stories from the bible and the torah. It is believed that Allah (God) sent 4 books. the 1st 1 i 4get the name, but itz 4 the Janeists, then the torah 4 the Jews, then the bible 4 christians, then quran 4 muslims. suicide is sin and jihad is only if some1 else is trying 2 hurt u and ur religion 1st. hurting women and children is not permitted. I am a muslim, but a regular girl too. I go to public school, take stupid pics w/ bffs, throw parties or go to them, i complain about midterms and finals, i luagh at fart jokes, or any other joke really, i laugh at nigahiga & charlie the unicorn, and i <3 kitties!!!!! sum muslims choose 2 wear hijabs (i dont), its only a choice, but it doesnt mean ur less than a man or a terrorist. islam preaches for women to respect men and men to respect women equally. (this is a story said in my own words, not the qurans) our prophet, prophet muhammad once stopped at a jewish funeral 2 pay his respects. sum dude wuz like "yo muhammad, u do realize that dudes jewish" muhammad wuz all like "he is still a human being." I luv all ppl but cry my eyes out at nite 2 c ppl r still badmouthing my religion and more ppl agree than disagree.

I am a practicig muslim myself living in america and has dreams of being on broadway. I <3 splish splash, churros, kitties, and my bffs (christian/jewish/hindu/other bffs 2!!!!)

by nuthead678 January 12, 2011

664πŸ‘ 603πŸ‘Ž


A follower of the religion Islam which means achieving peace through submitting oneself completely to Allah (God in Arabic). Contrary to popular belief, less than 19% of Muslims are from the Arab world. Muslims come from all over the world, there are Chinese Muslims, American Muslims, African American Muslims, Australian Muslims, Pakistani Muslims, etc...
Shahadah: declaration of faith;" There is no God but God and Muhammad is his messenger"
Salat- Prayer; Muslims pray five times a day in order to reflect on past errors and ask God for Forgiveness for any misdeeds,prayer is a direct dialogue between the worshiper and God
Zakat- charity; involves giving to those in need 2.5 % of one's wealth, redistribution of wealth in society and if applied properly can successfully eliminate poverty, giving beyond the obligatory charity is expected of every Muslim- even meeting another with a smile is considered charity
Sawm- Fasting; fasting from dawn until dusk, during month of Ramadan ( lunar calendar of Muslims), by abstaining from things that are necessary for survival, it is a lot easier to abstain from things that are not necessary for survival such as lying, gossiping, etc...
Hajj- Pilgrimage; once in a lifetime obligation of every Muslim who is physically and financially able, wear simple clothing- white clothing that strips all class and culture, everyone stands equal before God

Person 1: Who is a Muslim?
Person 2: one who submits to God

by Muslim Woman March 15, 2012

1617πŸ‘ 1525πŸ‘Ž


A peaceful religion which only believes in spreading love, peace, weapons (oops) peace, love (did i say peace?)

We are a bunch of people who believe in Allah. And we believe that you should believe in Him (ALMIGHTY ALLAH THE SAVIOUR OF SOULS BPTMGHST) too, because He is the supreme saviour- the Big Daddy of all gods.
Allah is numero uno. Your god is not numero uno. So bow down before I blow myself up!

Don't call Muslims violent again! Else I chop your head off!

by hubbaf June 30, 2009

1244πŸ‘ 1187πŸ‘Ž


Plural for muslim. These are the majority of the people who live in the Middle East. Though many of them really are peaceful, good people, a lot more of them despise America, and some of those are Islamic Terrorists. The ultimate goal for these particular muslims is the destruction of the Western World as well as the Jewish and Christian faiths.

A Record of Islamic Terrorism
-Muslims attacked the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center with their hijacked airliners, successfully destroying them, much to the satisfaction of their sick desires.
-Muslims severely damaged the U.S.S. Cole off the coast of Yemen.
-Muslims attacked Army Rangers in Somolia, inspiring Black Hawk Down.
-Muslims have constantly been attacking the poor Israelites, for being Jews in a mostly Muslim land mass (the Middle East.)
-Muslims launched terror attacks on Madrid, Spain.
-Muslims destroyed part of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
-Muslims blew up American Embassies in North Africa and the Middle East.
-Muslims have launched terror attacks in the subway system of London, England (Most recently.)

by The Midwestrn Soldier July 9, 2005

1688πŸ‘ 1681πŸ‘Ž