When a hot girl makes your car look better just by sitting in it.
“She’s decorating my car, soon she’ll be breaking my heart” Michael Ray
I was trying to top my car out and see how quick I could get home
I don't really need to get within arms reach of kid you piece of shit.
Hym "Hey how do you feel about that judge ruling the YouTube can now subject to lawsuits for radicalizing people on the internet Cody Johnston? Is that a thing you've heard about? What's my score? I can guarantee if you all took threats to children more seriously you all would have let this go 15 years ago and it would be less. You lose an uncle too? They need to demonetize all of the YouTube vermin so you pieces of shit have to get real jobs. You should be less worried about my car and more worried about what happens when the score finishes getting tallied. Self righteous piece of shit."